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Posts posted by jercrane

  1. My 15Yo and my 11YO both started on the Prodigy. It is a good ski for getting them going. 11YO is still on it. The 15YO moved to the TRA a year ago and has seen massive improvements in her skiing.


    My understanding is the Prodigy is a scaled down F1 shape and rocker made with less expensive materials. The TRA is in essence a soft Senate. The TRA feels, looks and performs like a legit slalom ski for a small person. The Prodigy is a beginner slalom ski imo.


    From the sounds of his skiing I would go TRA. You will get more legs out of it and he'll be able to ski on that right up to 32-34mph if he gets there before he gets too big for the ski.


    Oh also no matter what you do ... take the wing off before they ski on it. Until they get the speed up the wing is just causing more problems than its worth. I learned this when the oldest was on the Prodigy still. When I finally took it off she had a couple awkward turns and then started skiing so much better. I removed the wing on the TRA before I even put bindings on it and she is getting soooo much wider off the second wake now.

  2. Ok wow this is what I love about the waterski world. So many genuinely great people that are always willing to help. @savaiusini is totally taking care of me. Love companies that take care of their customers no matter what. That’s how you make lifetime customers.


    Also in regards to the suit issues above for folks reading this down the road. It is a relatively delicate suit but that’s the trade off that comes with crazy comfort and performance. I think I just need to take more care pulling the suit on than I am used to with traditional, thicker neoprene.

  3. Anyone else having issues with little micro tears in Syndicate Dryflex wetsuits? I have used mine about 4 times and have 5 different little tiny tears in the outer neoprene. They appear to happen just when pulling the suit on. It's designed to be tight of course and I definitely have the right size but as far as I can tell its impossible to pull this thing on without one of these little tears popping. They don't go all the way through just through the outer portion.


    I contacted HO and they told me I had to go through the retailer. So I contacted the retailer and they told me I had to contact HO. ummm .... ok


    Anyone else having this problem? Its super comfortable and warm but at this rate it will be pretty beat up by end of spring.












  4. Ok I have two open water free ski sets under my belt on my C75. I had been unsuccessfully trying to demo the ski for about a year. I finally gave up and just ordered one after having to cancel a trip down to Trophy in March due to stupid Covid.


    I consider myself an Intermediate level skier with Advanced level passion for the sport. I just finally got my 28 off pass last summer (34mph).


    Everyone I talked to that has demoed or is currently skiing the C75 kept saying how different it is than anything else. How it will feel really weird at first and you have to give it some time. Opinions vary from 3 sets to 5 before you can figure it out.


    I did not have this experience at all.


    Maybe it’s because my expectations were set for an initial struggle but I was blown away right from the start. The ski felt so stable, completely predictable, exceptionally free off the second wake. The biggest thing I found right from the start is how forgiving the ski is compared to what I have been on for the past 2 years. On my previous ski I always felt like I needed perfect technique which is not me. I have always written this off as that’s just waterskiing and me not being that awesome.


    On the C75 I feel that even small adjustments in the right direction technique wise would produce noticeable improvements in the ski performance. I do not need to be perfect, I just need to move in the right direction. I can’t imagine how amazing this thing will ski if I can finally get off my back foot and stand up out of my damn compressed body position.


    Granted I am only 2 free ski sets in. Things will most certainly be different when I get in the course and go through the red mind erasers for the first time. However I could not be more pumped to ski on this thing for the rest of the summer. It definitely feels like a platform I will be able to make great improvements on.


    32 off here we come baby.

  5. We had an old Accusink on our lake that sat on the bottom in 50 -60 feet of water for about 10 years. Tried to bring it back up and just ended up tearing the whole thing out and breaking it completely down to base components. The pipes, cables and stainless hardware was all still perfectly fine after a good scrubbing. All of the airline plumbing had to be trashed. We ended up not redoing the air system and have been raising and lowering manually for the past few years. I did however just send a bunch of money to Wally at Wally Skier this week so a new inflation kit should be going back on this summer at some point.




  6. It’s funny I have practically zero pictures of my boat. I had to go all the way back to 2018 when she was still just a baby and I was a proud new dad.




    I don’t even have these whips anymore. Upgraded to a lift.





  7. @Andre well actually my tach is busted and I haven't bother to fix it. It reads almost exactly 1000 rpm high vs the read out on the ZO. I was cruising at about 3k, but yeah its a 10 minute boat ride to our ski spot. That oil pressure does seem a touch high for 3k though now that I am seeing that :# Hopefully just cuz it was still warming up.
  8. I know there are an awful lot of MC fans in this crew and I do love skiing behind a new Prostar when I get the chance. However, I had kind of a moment in my boat this morning heading out to meet my ski buddy for a quick free ski set before work.




    Just ticked over 200 on my SN 200 this morning. I know 200 hours for some of you is barely halfway through the first season but it's oddly meaningful to me. I put 197.5 of those hours on my boat either in the cockpit or dragging behind it. It's the first new boat I've ever owned. I grew up skiing behind the crappiest I/Os you can imagine. Skied behind some old beater DDs through the college years. Barely skied for about 15 years after college. Got back into it about 4 years ago and picked up my 200 in June of 2018.


    We basically moved to the lake in March this year and will be here for the duration. This boat has been such an amazing outlet for myself and the kids during this stressful time. I'm spending every minute possible in the boat.


    Man I love this boat.


  9. I don't know man. I've seen an awful lot of guys I consider overweight absolutely destroy the course and my PB. Losing pure fat and doing nothing else I don't think gains you much at all. Losing fat and getting in shape (gaining strength, flexibility and aerobic capacity)? thats a different story. Just losing weight I bet doesn't do much in and of itself. my 2 cents
  10. I got a pack of these and slid them over the pylon rope.

    SP Ableware Maddak Blue Closed-Cell Foam Tubing, Blue Color, 13/16" I.D (6). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002Q19TI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_hgQUEbNN0248R


    They last about 2 -3 months each based on my heavy use in summer months. So at roughly $5-10 a season it felt like an easy investment.


    I also use a shock cord style pylon line which seams to produce less for aft travel of the boat relative to the dock.


    Riot Bungee Dockline - Boat Accessories Various Length 4ft 5ft 6ft https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GNZ4W7M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6kQUEb5T24V31

  11. Love my Boost. I just pull a spray guard over both shins and have no issue with the bagginess. In fact I personally prefer the freedom of movement in the drysuit over any wetsuit.


    Like @6balls I also find it super useful for any early and late season water projects. I stopped using the waders altogether and just throw on the Boost. Then I don't have to stress about getting too deep or not being able bend over and pick stuff up under the water.


    One thing I will note though. I did size down in the Boost. Normally I wear medium in an ONeil wetsuit but I have a small Boost and its perfect.

  12. Yeah I don't really care about top end myself either. Was just curious. The only time I use WOT is when I decide to take that one last set at the course and end up late for dinner and know my wife is going to be pissed. Even though I can basically watch the fuel gauge drop in real time.
  13. Oh yeah I'm only referring to Hydraulic piston driven lift. Things may be different by manufacturer too. I'm just speaking to what the engineer at Sunstream told me to do with my SL4. FWIW he also said if it ices up it shouldn't matter and the pistons are better protected when fully contracted in that case as well. Mine sits in pretty shallow water so I had asked about this as well. Also mine's in NH so yeah we get ice :D
  14. I called Sunstream technical support with the same question last fall and they told me it is best for the pistons to leave them fully compressed and the bunks under the water for the winter. He said to lower them all the way, decompress lines, disconnect, and leave them disconnected for the winter.



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