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Everything posted by SheSkisStrong

  1. I was so moved and inspired by this TEDx talk that was posted in this forum. As a person who has been involved with TEDx events and being a speaker coach, I know how difficult it is to give one of these speeches and she did a great job of distilling her idea. I enjoyed the idea of women using their whole bodies because a lot of us are taught to shrink and close ourselves off. We are taught to hide. Where it comes into play as athletes is sometimes we forget how to open ourselves up and use our whole body. For example, in skiing, women are often taught to ski proud, chest high, open up and spread your arms to go around the buoy. BUT in most cases, outside of skiing in the world, we are taught to hide our chest, to close off our chest, to be protective of our chest. It's hard to break our instincts to protect our chest when it comes to skiing. It's kinda of automatic from years of training. The great female skiers have been able to overcome it, and most of them have been skiing at a young age where they were taught to open their chest up from early on. For women that are starting a little later in life, it's a lot more to overcome. What Annie was conveying is women athletes need to break some of that training and be willing to open themselves up and use their whole body. I was so inspired by her speech, I wanted to know more about her. WHY did she give this speech. So I reached out to her and I have an interview with her on Monday for my SPS (She Plays Strong) magazine which I am too excited about so thanks again for posting this video.
  2. I retired this season for the same thing you are going through. Well, I didn't actually retire but I finally was willing to listen to someone else and we worked a lot on my gates. I do the same thing, I get high on the gates early and drift in. I also have a horrible habit of being on my back foot. Generally, if I don't work on anything else in the course, if I'm high on the gate and don't drift in and keep the rope tight as I drop in, and I remember to pick my heel up on my back foot before I turn in for the gate, my passes generally go a lot better. That gets me through a lot more passes, not to say some of them aren't ugly as sin because I have a lot of things to work on, but I get through them more frequently with just those two things in mind. I am on the A2 as well.
  3. @bkreis the place looks awesome, I tried to find the person to contact to set lessons up but didn't see anything on the website about lessons. Who should the general public contact for individual ski rides/lessons?
  4. Thanks for the tip about twin lakes, I see now they do onsite coaching. Will add!
  5. If you know of a ski site/school that needs to be added, just email or post website link and I will happily add it to my site
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