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Posts posted by DaveinPa

  1. What a bad setup, five feet on either side of you to tied up boats is not good, single inboard or anything! It usually takes two people to "walk" a boat pulling on lines down a dock and keep it straight, assuming there are no tied up boats in your way so you can fend it off the dock (pier). The comment made about getting launched early makes the most sense maybe?! The "pile" is a whole other issue if your boat is "running in gear".
  2. Jordanh: Did not understand you can't "turn it around" and have to back it all the way out first, bummer. Any chance of one side not getting boats " tied up" being changed? Is there another ramp? I would not like that "box canyon" effect either and I have had all types/sizes of boats. Dave
  3. Definitely a bad situation because the resort is allowing boats to tie up to both docks on either side. I think you are going to have to get "wet" as was suggested above, turn it around and send your wife on her way with the boat while you park the rig; unless you can "swap" those duties. And the "pile" of whatever from powerloading makes it even worse for your inboard. Good luck, hopefully more suggestions to follow. Dave
  4. I was 12 years old, 15 foot Scottie Craft with a 40Hp. McCulloch that my cousin In Vermont taught me to ski behind. I am now 68 and refuse to give it up, just ordered a new Radar Butterknife! See if that will help this old man!
  5. Jaypro: You might contact Caj Flynn @ 303-570-4325 (W.Palm Beach) or caj@shipfm.com for a price. He is a professional boat transporter and gets rave reviews on The Hull Truth Boating Forum. I would use him before U-Ship FWIW. Good luck, Dave
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