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    Andy Rogers

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  1. Thanks again everyone! I managed to get some good advice AND provide entertainment to the masses!
  2. OK, plenty of opinions...which is why BOS is cool. I appreciate all the tips on how to adjust the performance of the 67, but I've been on a 65 inch HO for the last 30 years and 67 just seems too big (the serial nbr identifies it as 67). Not really interested in slowing down just to make a ski work, so I'm thinking I will happier with 66. Thanks for all the input!
  3. Hey Folks, I'm 6 ft/150 lb (62 years) and mostly free ski, looking for a new ski. I was on the fence whether to get 65 or 66 in but decided on 66. I know all skis are different, etc, but I bought a used Strada that was supposed to be 66 in. When it arrived it was actually 67. The question for the group is whether it's worth the effort to return it and find a true 66 or just learn to ski on this 67? How much difference can an inch make? I skied a couple of passes on the 67 and it felt hard to turn, but how much difference will one inch less make. Just curious what everyone's opinion is...thanks Andy
  4. Hi Folks, I bought a 2013 Strada used off eBay which was represented to be 66 in. It looks a little long, so I was wondering the proper way to measure the length of a slalom? Do you follow the curve of the tip of the ski with a flexible tape, or length straight from tip to tip? It doesn't have the length printed on it anywhere that I can see. Any thoughts? First ski run on it today and it feels long too. Thanks, Andy
  5. Good to know...just being sure. Thanks @Horton and @oldjeep By the way @oldjeep , I used to drive a 1947 Willys cj3a which my brother still has. Cheers to the Jeep!
  6. Well, this is probably a stupid question, but that's never stopped me before! I'm getting a new-ish ski for the first time in 30 years or so. If I try to buy used bindings on Ski It Again, how will I get a binding plate? I assume I need something between the bindings and the ski...does it need to match the ski or the binding (if different brands)? I'm getting a Radar Strada blank...thinking about Vector bindings. Any thoughts on how to proceed? I'm in Arkansas and no ski shop to view/test potential choices. Thanks folks! Andy
  7. I appreciate all the advice. Also trying to pick up something used so how does a Strada sound? The old interview I read with Matt Rini rang all the right bells regarding the design.
  8. Hi All, I’m new here trying to figure out what type of slalom will get me into the modern era. I am 62 years and have been free skiing on an 80s vintage HO Mach 1 for the past 30 years. I don’t have access to a course but have always wanted to ski at those orange balls. Historically have used long line but may start taking 15 off and have always skied at 36 mph. I’m 6 ft 150 lb Seeking recommendations on new-ish ski with goals of something easy to ride that can still make turns on a course if I get the opportunity. I’ve researched Goode Nano one, Radar Senate/Vapor and maybe D3 Fusion. Any thoughts about what would suit my needs? And what length...my Mach 1 is 66 in but seems like the newer skis are shorter. Thanks everyone!
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