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Everything posted by owennibley

  1. I agree with everything @UWSkier said above. My s10e actually recorded decent with the optical stabilization on but I do have the option to turn it off. I will test it tonight with it off.
  2. @Chef23 I will try to post some video of each setup later this week.... as long as people don't make fun of my horrible technique and skiing. :D
  3. I bought one in January to basically coach myself this summer. Its been a process getting to a point where I can have confidence in getting decent video. 1st: I had a problem with the orbit. It wasn't turning smoothly. Come to find out it had warpped and it was catching. I email skidoc and sent it back to them. I guess they tested it and made some adjustments and sent it back. It seems to be working better now. Not sure what adjustments they made. 2nd: the phone holder that came with it is flimsy. The vibrations and bumps from the boat knocked my phone out. Wasn't even worth setting it up. And when it did record before falling out, the video was seizure inducing to watch. I didn't want to give up just yet so... 3rd: Was going to go with a go pro so I bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077NX9WLJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 4th: Using a gopro is very inconvenient for quick analysis of skiing. A phone is much better to quickly watch a set. So then I bought this to use with what I bought for the gopro. https://www.amazon.com/Livestream-Universal-Smartphone-Attachment-Connect/dp/B016OQMFD8/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=gopro+phone+mount&qid=1562164402&s=gateway&sr=8-3 There are even better, more secure phone mounts to use but this was a cheap option. I tested it out over the weekend and I worked pretty well. I have a Samsung s10e and it performed surprisingly well. I also rigged up my wifes point and shoot camera that takes video if I want to use that but with the wakeeye app, the phone is the way to go. Just open the app, put the phone in the holder, and the driver doesn't even touch it. I will continue to mess around with the phone video setting to get the best picture I can, but I think I've got it set up good enough for the time being.
  4. @C5Quest No I haven't tried the R-style. Just a RTP. I'll try anything right now as I'm desperate. @lpskier thats not comforting at all. haha. I went to the releaseable bindings to prevent my ankle injury from happening again but the way I'm skiing now is way more dangerous than before. @skierjp I will watch the youtube video and test it again this weekend. @AkBob Apparently not.... the grass is always greener on the other side.... right?
  5. @skierjp thanks for the suggestion. The middle buckle is already at the last hook. I can't go any more loose. But I will try to loosen the other 2 buckles. Why would having the buckles loose help out? I also think it might have to do with the RTP like @BraceMaker said. I will try a rear boot in the back and if that helps then I will try to find a HO chop top.
  6. Hey guys.... I need help. Its been a month and apprx. 20 sets on the Reflex and RTP setup and I can't figure out what is going wrong. Last season before I broke my ankle I could ski 32/15,22,28 all day no problem. 34/15 was getting really consistent as well. Come this season I can't even get 32/15 consistent at all! This morning I had one heck of a crash and got shook up pretty bad just at 32/15. I didn't want to end my ski session with that so I hopped on my buddies Radar Senate PRO (double boot) and nailed 32/15 2 times in a row no problem. WTF? I ski on a 67" Superlite CX, weigh 190 (I know it right at the limit for that ski), RFF, stock settings. Anyone have any advice or had an experience with this?
  7. @escmanaze well.... It was my boat you skied behind so yes. :)
  8. @escmanaze the white rope black handle? It is still up there. I believe it was in one of the storage sheds. Not sure which one. I prefer handles with a radius. But handles are all personal preference.
  9. I really like the Columbia PFG line. I have 2 long sleeve shirts with hood that I use all the time. Perfect for hot weather but protects from the sun. Bunch of different colors. My wife bought one for herself that she likes as well. https://www.amazon.com/Columbia-Terminal-Tackle-Heather-Collegiate/dp/B07DQ9S2SC/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=columbia+PFG+hoodie&qid=1560194082&s=gateway&sr=8-2
  10. I am selling my 2004 Malibu Response LX with the Monsoon 340 engine. It is listed on skiitagain.com . Located in Utah though... Pretty far away.
  11. This morning I did the first set of the season. Last August I broke my ankle in a bungee double boot set up. I have been sking for 15 years with a double boot setup but after this injury I wanted a releaseable boot. I feel that would've prevented my injury. Because I have super short fat feet, it was recommended to me to get the Reflex Supershell. I also swithed to an HO RTP in the back. Well, I didn't get up the first try.... and boy was it hard to get up at all. Even once I was up, I couldn't turn the ski at all. It was so different. I wasn't trying to run bouys, just free skiing because I didn't want to push too hard, but still. I couldn't turn the darn thing. The soft tissue on my ankle still hurts and is a little swollen 9 months later so I'm sure my inability to ski had something to do with that. But is this normal? How long will it take to get used to the hardshell bindings? Also, I did crash and it released perfectly. I had the DIN settings fairly low so I will put them where it is recommended. All off season I've been nervous to get back out there because of my injury, but today helped relieve some of that anixety.
  12. @Such_a_brett It sounds like you are looking at this project from every possible angle, which is good. I can definitley see the appeal of the resort type ski lake for some people, not really for myself but there is a market out there. My family is from Cache Valley and I lived there up to 3 years ago. It is very isolated community. I just don't think that the little college town Valley could support something so bold at this time. I think, Utah, Salt Lake, or Davis counties could; even Box Elder County possibly. Thats where market research comes into play, so I could be way off. Having family property in the immediate area of where you are proposing this, it would only help increase the surrounding property values. :) Maybe during the construction periods you could sell memberships to skiers ;) ... in that case sign me up! Me and @cfgunnell are going to be following this closely. It will be interesting to see how it all develops.
  13. Yeah sorry for the confusion. Normally I just lurk and keep my fingers from typing but I got excited when I realized where you were talking about. ;) I guess what I was trying to get at is that it doesn't really solve the supply and demand problem. The people who would be interested in a private lake community in that specific location would have to be incredibly dedicated to watersports. So if you get high volume of people (100+ homes and 210 multi-family units, potentially 1000+ persons!) all wanting the same thing and paying a premium for it, it creates the same problem that was existing before: Too much demand, not enough resources. Say I have a family of 5. Thats at least an hour for each to have 1 turn. What about the other 25-30 families that want a turn that same night? What if I wanted to invited friends for a tug? I mean, you could say that maybe only 500 of 1000 people actually want to use the lakes. Thats still 500 people to share 2 lakes in 5ish months of warm weather. This is how I look at it. Lets say the lakes are open from 0700-2100, 14hrs per day, 7 days a week. Thats 98 hrs of availability a week, times 2 for each lake, so 196 hrs total. Divide that by the 500 people 196/500=.39hrs, each person gets just under 25 minutes a week. That absolute best case scenario. Most people have jobs, kids have school, etc. and are only available in the evenings/weekends. Wind/weather restrictions as well. So in reality its much less that 25 minutes per person each week. You'd be lucky to get in 1 turn a week in my opinion. But it all depends on how you set it up I guess. Hard core waterskiiers have 3 courses and private lakes within 30 minutes of the valley that they could potentially have access to. Plus, no permanent slalom course on the lakes... you most likely won't sell to any skiers. So your audience would be the average Joe who is an avid wakeboard/surfer or who is really weathly who could afford the homes and take an occasional tug. I just don't see how the balance of cost vs. time on lake pans out. That area has many other activities (snow ski, MTB, Hiking, rock climbing, dirt bike, RZR) that families could put their money into and just deal with the crowds at the local lakes. But again, I haven't researched or marketed that area for this specific thing so this is just my obvservations/opinions. If it works out, I'm all for it.
  14. Living in northern Utah and having a pretty good idea of were you want to build this, I think it would be a difficult undertaking. In that area there are very limited lakes to have quality watersports, even on weeknights the local lakes are extremely crowded so your target buyers would have to be pretty dedicated to only watersports or weathly. I have to disagree with the wakeboard popularity here. Most if not all boaters I know don't even own a wakeboard from the past 10 years. Most surf/tube, some wakeboard, some ski, some kneeboard/airchair. I haven't run any numbers like you have but I just don't see a demand for the type of community you are proposing. And the people who would be interested would be die hard boaters and I think you would run into capacity issues...? Lastly, the driving on public lakes in Utah is laughable bad. Power turns a plenty here among other safey issues. Unless you would require driving etiquette lessons on how to drive properly on a small privite lake I would hard pass on a "do it all" lake. This is just my opinion, which doesn't amount to much but hey if the numbers work, then rock on. I have family and good friends in the Valley so it will be interesting to see if/when this develops.
  15. Thanks for the input guys. I think I will wait til next spring to make a final decision on the bindings but I'm leaning towards the reflex right now. I went to the Dr today and instead of the boot I've been wearing for 2 weeks he put me in a cast. It wasn't healing proper with just the boot. Pretty big bummer but looking forward to next season.
  16. I can't imagine having a ruptured achilles and trying to come back. 3 weeks ago I was skiing the best I ever have (-28@34) and came aroudn 2 ball and crashed pretty hard. My front foot took the brunt of the fall and I immediately knew something was wrong. Searing pain all down my heel and inside of my ankle. I thought for sure my achilles was torn. Turns out, I broke my talas bone and and suffered a pretty serious sprain. I still can't walk on it 3 weeks later. Its at the end of the season so I didn't miss out on a lot of skiing. When I think about skiing I get kind of nervous and anxious. This crash has gotten into my head. I hope next Spring I won't remember it and I can ski good. So kudos to anyone who has come back from a serious injury. I guess a question for the experts would be could I have prevented this injury with different bindings? I'm riding the HO vMax boots and I probably had them on way to tight. Would the hardshell HO Syndicate bindings or the reflex bindings made a difference? In your guys opinion, are they worth the money? I've been debating on whether they are worth it so I can prevent this from happening again...
  17. I have always been intrigued with Connelly's skis. I currently ride a HO but the way Joel explains everything simply and clearly has my nerdy engineering brain telling me I need to at least TRY this ski.... I love it when the manufactures get into the gritty details of why they did a certain feature or design. I wish all the rest of them would do this exact thing. Kudos to Connelly and Joel.
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