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  1. I recently purchased a hands only trick handle. When I was ordering, I noticed lengths from 12” to 15”. Decided on 15” because I thought there would be no downside and it would be easier to find the handle on handle passes. Well I just got the handle and it seems huge. It feels like I’m going to catch the handle on my body every time I do a handle pass. I’m sure I’d learn how to not do that, but it doesn’t seem great. Anyone have opinions/advice on handle length? I only do hand tricks (no toes) and am hoping to learn inverts this coming summer. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
  2. @Luzz and @Bruce_Butterfield, based on what you are saying, there doesn't seem to be a drawback to going up in size, and should help with learning inverts. I am going to get the Quantum 44". Thank you for your input!
  3. I'm looking to purchase a Quantum Dynamic. I’m 5’9” and fluctuate between 170-180lbs. I currently have a 43” D3 trick ski I purchased in 2004. I took a 10 year hiatus from trick skiing until this past summer. My 2 trick runs add up to around 1,800pts. Next summer I’m hoping to start learning inverts. I don’t think I’ll ever do toe tricks. Have trick skis really improved enough since 2004 to where I will notice a difference? I’ve read that people are trending toward a longer ski for more stability. Would there be any downside to going to a 44” rather than a 43”, especially for inverts?
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