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Everything posted by cougfan

  1. @SkiSlipper67 here is an update on the misadventures of the Wednesday night crew. After our departure from Bow lake we decided to ski a different lake each Wednesday. Started off in Whatcom county skiing lake Samish and lake Whatcom. Moved to our home county Skagit and skied Baker lake lake Shannon and lake Cavanaugh and also skied 4 lakes in one day Lake Erie lake Campbell Big lake and Clear lake. We usually ski either Big lake or Clear lake since they are close by. Next we moved south to Snohomish county and skied lake Shoecraft with Dr Stacy who provided his boat and portable course👍Lake Goodwin lake Stevens and the Snohomish river with it’s strong current and many deadheads☹️ Our final county was farther south King county where we skied lake Sammamish and finally had probably the best day of all skiing lake Washington where we launched at the north end in Kenmore and skied south toward Renton circling Mercer Island and going thru the Mountlake cut into lake Union where we couldn’t ski because of the 7 mph limit but we cruised all the way to the Ballard locks seeing all the working boats tied up on either side we all called this an epic ski adventure. As @Rednucleus stated last year my wife and I were able to buy an unfinished house on lake Curlew. This past year we have been finishing it and as of now it is very livable with a few projects left like installing my boat lift for my new to me one owner like brand new 2001 Malibu Sportster @Rednucleus and his wife Loni spent a week with us this past summer skiing hanging out going to the Republic brewery and have some great meals. He also helped me complete some projects to make the house more livable because as Red Green says “if your wife doesn’t find you handsome she better find you handy”🤣 We also had a special guest this summer. @S1Pitts made the short drive across the border from Canada with his wife and spent the day skiing with us. Good day had by all and we look forward to him joining us again Lake Curlew is know as a “fishing lake” but my wife and I will try our best along with the rest of the Wednesday night crew to make it a “ski lake” the water is usually calm and very warm in the summer . Winter sets in early November with the lake freezing solid til April early May. Temps in the winter get down to minus teens and below Sorry for the long winded post haven’t been here for quite some time. The Wednesday night crew is still active just not as much as Doug is very busy with his business Ken taking care of his mom and @Rednucleus still doing vet things. Me I am retiring next year so will have all kinds of time Stay tuned for more adventures 😜
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