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Everything posted by Peterhead

  1. Feeling better and better every time out but unfortunately I think this was the last ski of the year for me. But the radar Senate alloy is an awesome ski
  2. So had my first and second on the ski yesterday, it actually felt great I'm not there yet will take a few more passes to be totally comfortable. All in all already I will say it's a way better ski and I look forward to getting better every time out
  3. Thanks you are correct vector binding, my bad. Thanks I will take it easy for a few sets to get used to it I do think it will take some getting used to as the boot feels way differant. I was thinking of moving the rear boot all the way forward at first so on that recomedation I will move it up before I ski it thanks everybody for the advise.
  4. Thanks for all the help guys, I bought a 2018 radar Senate alloy with vapour boot and rear toe brand new I don't know what to expect but I will be testing it out this weekend can't wait
  5. Thank you @skibrian I found that have been looking there now, not as good as the site you showed me. Hard to tell if things are sold here
  6. Thanks guys I have been trying to find used skis but I'm in Toronto Canada and there's not too much to choose from up here or that I have found yet. Shipping from the u.s is pretty heavy may just have to buy new
  7. Thanks for your advice, I do like the Senate it's a higher price is all but don't want to spend good money on something I don't enjoy. I am just a free water skier no courses but I do ski like I'm on a course. My ski being 29 years old I kinda think any decent new ski would be an improvement but have never skied anything else. The O'Brien siege I think it is also looks nice but radar seems to be very popular
  8. That's a good idea but I have no video, I cut hard every turn and bruise my calf in the wash. I'm 5'8 180 lbs have been skiing over 30 years since I was 14 on the obrien I am so used to it although it's old I find it turns great but the newer binding just don't fit the mounting holes and I would like something new. Getting up isn't ever a problem for me so not sure I need the wider ski. Thanks for the comments so far I will try and post a video soon
  9. Looking into advice on buying a new ski, I have a 1990 O'Brien world team and the bindings are pretty beat up and want to replace with whole new ski. I'm an aggressive advanced skier and love my ski but think it's very old new ones must be alot better but want to make the right purchase. I'm looking at a radar butter knife but seems like it's a beginner and I'm not that but also don't want to pay crazy money for a ski. I should ski a 67 but mine is a 69 also looking for recommendations should I stay 69 or goto what I should ski? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance
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