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Posts posted by Slalom.Steve

  1. I started keeping a ski tracker a bit late into the summer, then got behind on filling it out and gave up lol. But I'm quite happy with my season. I ran 15off/32mph for the first time June 12th, then ran 15off/34mph for the first time August 22nd. Now, 32mph is getting quite consistent, and I've run at least one 34mph each of my last times out. I haven't tried much at 22off, but twice have gotten 2@22off/34mph. Tomorrow will be my last ski set till next year... anyone have an extra room in Florida I can winter at?? :D
  2. So I have to amend my post from above - I had tested the Camaro Titanium Gloves as liners just in cold water at home.. definitely keeps warm, but my first attempt actually skiing with them, I feel like they're too slick against the actual ski glove and half my grip strength was going towards just keeping the outer glove from slipping down my fingers. Did not like it, will be trying other solutions.
  3. Resurrecting this thread. For reference here are other "camaro sizing" threads: one, two, three.


    I'm 5'10", 160lbs, 38" chest, I wear 32" jeans but actually measure 34" at belly button. I have a Camaro Blacktec 1.5 full wetsuit, size Medium; and a Blacktec 1.0 heater top, also size Medium.


    I fall into the Medium sizing for everything but waist. The top fits fine, tight but not uncomfortable. But in the full suit, my bits-and-pieces get uncomfortably squished, and the neck uncomfortably pushes against my throat.


    This doesn't seem to be other people's experience though, so I dunno. But I wish I had sized up on the full suit.

  4. Seems like maybe that's only the case when the phone is exposed to vibration and you're taking a picture/video at the same time? It's not totally clear to me for the article. But if so, that would mean as long as you use the front-facing "selfie" camera, there wouldn't be an issue, as that camera doesn't have optical image stabilization. And ski videos come out better on the front camera anyways (again due to no OIS).
  5. @Fastguy888 I have totally had that idea before, I think I even suggested it on a Denali instagram post a couple months ago :D The product even sort of exists already, just cut off the lower body of a flying wingsuit! The problem is injury risk though, one of those wings catches in the water on a fall and your arm could get pretty cranked.


    Hey man... sometimes great ideas start with terrible ideas lol.

  6. I understand I won't be getting the full picture with a used glove, and I know a lot of people love them, but I've also read some people who really don't.


    I'm really just trying to determine if the inside-out styling works for me. On dry land they are super comfortable but seem cumbersome - the exposed seams get caught on each other if I move my fingers around, and I can't squeeze my fingers together as much (the total "width" of my hand becomes larger). That said.. it's not like holding a ski handle requires distinct, fine finger movements, so that's why I want to try it out on the water.

  7. I love the webcasts by TWBC, and agree they are fantastic for the sport. However, even as a slalom ski addict, I rarely watch them live. I'll start them late so I can skip ahead.


    It's not even so much the time inbetween passes, especially with replays, commentary, and interviews... but it's the fact that the first 2-3 passes of each skier is a warm-up that they're almost guaranteed to make. With the football analogy, it'd maybe be like: not only having to wait inbetween each play as we do now, but before each play you also watch the team just practice the upcoming play, without defenders, a couple times (and have to wait inbetween the practice plays as well)... then they run a play or two for real against the other team. Then repeat. People want excitement, and that's just not very exciting.


    It is nice to watch some warmup passes, especially if I'm looking to learn from their technique (since I know it will be ideal at easier passes rather than their hardest ones)... but I can only watch so many before it's boring and I just skip ahead to the shortest lines.


    I agree that to be a viable broadcast for the public, tournaments would have to be edited down to 1-3 hours.

  8. @Jmoski yeah I also cut off the front of the plate and pad to get it closer to my front boot. I'm not sure why they design it as long as it is - there was quite a bit of extra footpad in front of my toe, I'm size 10.5 shoe, and the Standard-size HRT is for shoe 7-11, so if anyone has a much bigger foot, they'd do to the XL anyways.
  9. @mmosley899 - Cool, I'll give that a shot! Does it matter what kind of stretchy laces? I have 2 spare T-Factor top laces, I could use one of those, though they're pretty thick - would T-Factor thinner lower laces be better, worse, or doesn't matter? (over-anxious perfectionist here lol). Or even something like Lock Laces? I also want to replace the clasp that it came with, not crazy about it.
  10. Just started using an HRT, lace-up version. I'm still getting up on one and kicking in, and once I adjusted to a different kick-in motion, am having no trouble with it. I'm slowly tightening it more and more to find where it's as tight as it can be while still being able to kick in.


    Has anyone ever tried replacing the laces with elastic laces (like those found on the D3 T-Factor)? The HRT laces don't stretch much at all. I'm wondering if replacing them with the D3s, which stretch quite a lot, would allow me to get the boot tighter-but-still-kickable, since the laces will stretch when I kick in - sort of like being able to force the laces "looser" on the kick in but then have them go "tighter" once I'm in.


    Obviously stretch could then mean the overall effect is less tightness, since any movements while skiing will also be subject to stretch, but I figure I'm (hopefully) not making any huge moves with my back foot in the course anyways, so I'm not really gonna be pushing the stretch hard.



  11. I seem to be in the minority, but I'm into it. People who think it's dumb won't use it, people who like it will, without any negative effects on fairness, fun, time, etc. Why not?


    Update after @BraceMaker 's response - good point, there is a negative effect on time, and tourneys are long enough as is, so I retract.

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