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Everything posted by OWSC

  1. @FWinter, I'll see you next week, tell mike im coming and to bring beer!!
  2. @PAskier, Im in Lake worth right now but i can come to you, where are you based?
  3. @teammalibu, I am in Florida until Dec 3rd before heading to bennetts for a couple of days, Planning on showing the crew there and then NOLA before flying home on the 8th. Where is cedar ridge?
  4. Does anyone want a demo of the Sure-path GPS system I have it with me and in the West palm area for 2 weeks, then orlando for two then louisiana for a few days. let me know on here if you want to see it in person and working
  5. @Gloersen it’s an awesome bit of kit, super accurate and in jump you can set it up for split, 1, 2 or 3 foot wide or narrow, this will clear up a lot of confusion and provide consistency in the drive everyone receives. @Gloersen @Jody_Seal depending on exchange rates etc it is coming in at around 2000USD, they are keen to get the product out there so this is an introductory offer.
  6. Developed in the UK this is a GPS based boat lane tracker. I have been using it for the last few months when pulling skiers. Instantly I felt it improved my driving and helped give the like of Freddie Winter and Tom Poole training before tournaments peace of mind that their scores are legitimate. You are able to track your boat path in both slalom and jump in a simple to use app, the set up is simple and takes approximately the same time as mapping a course in zero off. It’s the next step in tightening up our sport http://www.sure-path.com/video.html
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