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Everything posted by benmitchell17

  1. Thanks for that. Do you think I should bump to a little 66 vapor then? 65 vapor too small?
  2. Hey there! I’m returning to skiing. I grew up doing a bit and we have a little crew getting back into in. It’s been super fun to return to it. I’ve been researching what I can and think I want to find a used senate 65. I weigh 150 and we have been skiing at about 32 to 34 Freeskiing. There is a local course we’d like to start checking out as well, where I’d be slowing down dramatically I’m sure. I’d like to find something used and a few years old to start using. I’d be happy with an older Strada 55 at the right price as well (precursor to senate I think?). If anyone has anything they are looking to get rid of that sounds like it fits the bill or has any advice for something different I’d be happy to hear it. Thanks in advance!
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