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Everything posted by PUoldmaid

  1. Popped up my 1 year old son for a spin this year. I promise he was giggling most of the time.
  2. lol! I thought I was calling out @AdamCord for being cheap but I’ve seen plenty of his advertising. Just want to make sure the 310 people that looked at this are directed to the best things out there ;)
  3. I don’t know many of these people but as soon as you mention them I immediately go to their metrics and click on off topic & disagree. This is like Christmas. Horton is Brilliant.
  4. Even I give Horton some spare change because it’s fun.
  5. @EFW @9400 I saw Jim at a tourney in Wisconsin maybe 4 or so years after that - close to whenever his AWSA prison time was nearing end. He was working as a volunteer. What he did was wrong but I think it was admirable he openly admits that and is trying to regain people’s trust and be helpful. He also let Marquette’s team use his lake for practice and was their advisor some years. He is eligible to hop back in. I’ll forgive him. You know he’ll never pull that again.
  6. Are we training for the Pan-Ams here? Eat some meat and hit a ramp after M3 - it’s good for you.
  7. I’ll bump this all day, @GaryWilkinson. Well said and drew me in like an infomercial. Well done! Oh man, didn’t Sammy go 200 on sub 80 inch jumpers? Those were some crazy days! Can we get Sam & Cam on an Episode?
  8. Plenty of big jumps on record on 7X jumpers. Just saying.
  9. How much does he weigh? I have a son and mentally run metrics as this inevitably will be me in short years. I would hesitate to put him on anything 80+ unless he’s got some beef on him.
  10. Absolutely do this now! I'm 36 and already had a Picato treatment from being a sun baby. Tell your wives/girlfriends to try to negotiate this at the derma. Legit shaves about 5 years off your face :0)
  11. @Bill22 you are clearly missing the point. Inviting the idea and the attention to the idea IS growing the sport. Let the Reginas decide. Doubt Bruce can get to her level.
  12. The Kardashians in our sport? They can buy Polk City outright. At least flirt some ideas around here. My W3 checkbook for this isn’t that thick.
  13. To be honest - I’d welcome the competition. I’ll even opt up to 36 if you want to keep this fair.
  14. Aw thanks @RazorRoss3. Couldn’t have done it (Learned waterski) without my grandfather who was a MTF surgeon in Wisconsin in the 80’s. Sensitivity training 101
  15. I think we already come off as an excluding community losing participation. I think this reaction is not the best foot forward especially from those who actually “lived” the 70’s. Props to Joel.
  16. I can appreciate both worlds. Dad was a promo guy and, yes - I had the "Body Glove" purple/teal Nautique in 199x (be jealous!). Skied College. Been out of the game many years. Moved out to the east coast. College buddy starts a ski company. Desperately search for a club nearby to have fun again. Find a guy with a '91 Nautique in the brackish water of Chesapeake Bay still battling the locals on his course legalities - couldn't be a better human. Long story short - this sport is obviously a community of amazing people - first and foremost. But, we can't keep it going without the influx of stuff? Amiright?
  17. @Bill22 I just donated $100 to a Polk City Venue via a crowd fundraiser. You have to ask yourself this - What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
  18. @klindy of course if she wants the street cred. I'll lobby that too.
  19. I believe it! Bring her back and I will try to lobby all the women to agree to take no issue with her competing against us :)
  20. For @JeffSurdej for selling me on collegiate waterski and making it the most magical experience ever!
  21. Please check out the Midwest. They have amazing schools and the most fun ski teams in the country. Like, real “non-scholarship” fun. College!
  22. Love Geronimo! And, @Clydesdale - time being boring in Waterski is time wasted. Take some notes from the great state of Wisconsin. @UWSkier
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