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Everything posted by PUoldmaid

  1. Also, I feel it very unfair for @Horton to bitch about cost when it is a clear write off for him. My husband is schlepping me to California (LA) (kicking and screaming). Suck it up. Ski you soon?
  2. ask @JeffSurdej. I'll bet his short answer is growing the sport and encouraging people to be active.
  3. Why are you teasing us with US GEAR HANDLE, Ron? We just want the goods. Sell me the handle.
  4. Hey! I just joined a club in Brandywine around the DC area that has a course. I'd be up to ski here and there with ya'll. Lake Chaney is the formal club around there. Check it out.
  5. Trying to get back in shape after babies. Ski in a club a couple times a week. Will do a few tournaments if time permits
  6. https://masterswaterski.com/videos
  7. Did we ever find anyone that had extra US Gear on hand that wants to rid of it? I'd really love to have one!
  8. lol "@TonyLightfoot -who may need a sedative" Killing it, Tony!
  9. Yes, @jimbrake! If this sport stops drinking beer I'm all in on summer hockey leagues.
  10. So sad to hear - US Gear was the best! Could never get into anything else. Maybe Randy has some extra product we can buy off him? The supply at Nationals was endless so happy to take that off his hands!
  11. There were a couple from my college years. Landon Lueck skied for Wisconsin Madison (a 100ft jumper) and was on The Real World: Philadelphia (2004ish). Jud Birza, a very good skier for Missouri, was the winner of Survivor: Nicaragua. He was a semi-famous model for some time.
  12. Great coverage, Corey! Was amazing to discover your place out here - clearly been out of the game too long. Will be back next summer after ski maternity leave!
  13. I am right handed, right foot dominant. My dad was LFF. He taught me LFF slalom as perhaps that is what made the most sense to him. To even screw with me more - I was taught to trick (and still do) RFF by another coach. And switching them up now feels so bizarre to me. So, I think you can work with whatever.
  14. Very lovely note from Dawn. My dad/sister are both pilots, skiers, givers. Could have been any of us. Don’t forget what skiing for fun feels like!
  15. Very sad. May you be with peace, Dave!
  16. Okay wait I thought Panda was a fun award? It’s a bad award? Can someone explain it to this newby? Out of the loop. When did we get ZBS. Geez I live under a rock.
  17. Isn’t weed legal in Cali? Maybe @Horton needs to find a strain and give Pink Floyd another whirl. Sounds like a good off season activity.
  18. Also, does @Horton come up with these sexist default profiles? I’m def not a jersey chaser...
  19. This is absolutely amazing! Congrats @adamhcaldwell! And - DAMN, Gina! That margin does not go unnoticed. #denaliskis
  20. Popped up my 1 year old son for a spin this year. I promise he was giggling most of the time.
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