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Everything posted by waterskiwag

  1. For reference...I'm 220/6'1". I really like my 69" Carbon Omni. I'm a -22/32mph skier at the moment. Carbon Omni comes in 71" as well.
  2. Coyote Lake Owasso, OK Was married here last Fall. Got to drive the old Malibu to the Altar. She wouldn’t let me ski in....
  3. @CParrish43 ...Wasn't questioning her choice to run a ski she likes. I'm barely mediocre at this sport and I stick with what I am comfortable on as well. It was more of a marketing question than anything. I guess I should have stated that in my initial post. Really enjoyed your FP interview by the way.
  4. @skiboyny Thanks...you'd think for marketing they'd at least make it appear to be a GT-R. Congrats to Manon and Nate.
  5. ...it mattered to me. That's why I asked. I will rephrase the question...Does the top of the ski that Manon is riding say GT or GT-R? The yellow bottom and the yellow graphics on the top would lead me to think the top of the ski says GT.
  6. Is Manon on a GT or GT-R? The yellow bottom would make me think it's a GT...
  7. The timing of the edge change is similar to the concept of braking points coming into a corner in auto racing. Gotta slow down (at the right time and the absolute minimum possible) to go fast...to the next ball/to the next corner.
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