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Posts posted by Skiphreak

  1. @swc5150 that’s what came to my mind; obviously body position isn’t comparable, and the physical fitness benefits of alpine skiing can only help come spring, but the sensation/timing/rhythm aspects of GS turns compared to being pulled down course - is there something to be learned or taken from that, that is transferable?

    As stated in my original post, newer to slalom and have had very limited experience in the course, but hoping that will change next season. What little course experience I do have, my takeaway (not the only one) is that things happen fast. I guess I’m just trying to determine whether there is anything I can take from my alpine skiing abilities, which are surely better than my slalom ones, for benefit. Thanks to everyone, as always, for their feedback.

  2. @mags88 what kind of boat are you skiing behind? Wider platform of the Union would probably be a bit more forgiving for a larger wake. Otherwise, Senate. Track down a Graphite (some good deals on ‘22 69’ vector packages around right now). Gives you the adjustable fin and a slightly stiffer layup. Def a bit more room to grow.

  3. @mags88 what kind of boat are you skiing behind? Wider platform of the Union would probably be a bit more forgiving for a larger wake. Otherwise, Senate. Track down a Graphite (some good deals on ‘22 69’ vector packages around right now). Gives you the adjustable fin and a slightly stiffer layup. Def a bit more room to grow.

  4. @Rednucleus currently on a 67’ syndicate omega max (I’m 175lbs), which I’m perfectly happy with. But, I have access to other skis that would probably be considered more mid-level - I was just wondering if they may perform better at reduced speed since that seems to be their design intent and usually marketed as such, as opposed to say a syndicate build or pro build, which tend to be marketed as 32-36mph sweet spot.


    I say, and question all this all knowing that my ski is the least of my problems!!


    @scoke @Horton that makes sense.

  5. Newer skier trying to get my body position (stack) consistent and correct across the wake. I have determined (for me) that slowing down the boat (28-30 mph) is the best way to accomplish that.


    The consensus on the forum seems to be if you have access to a higher end ski, you should ski it. I’m wondering if this is true at lower boat speeds that aren’t necessarily intended for a 32-36 mph ski. Or, should I be investing in something a bit more intermediate while trying to dial in my form at these speeds?


    Thanks in advance for the advice.

  6. @UWSkier not sure yet. Adjuster going out today to assess. I’m hoping he’s going to tell me it’s salvageable as I do not wish to give it up. From what I could see with only a flashlight it did not appear to be burned, just lots of soot and smoke damage. The fire was in the office area of the shop separated by a cement wall and a 30 foot Regal shielding my boat.


    @PatM I feel your pain. Probably a bit dramatic in the grand scheme of things, but one of the worst phone calls I’ve ever received. No one hurt most importantly.

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