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Everything posted by Ckloves2ski

  1. Good afternoon everyone, First, my family owns a Ski Nautique, I have been water skiing since I was eight years old and I while it was my first post, I do believe this forum most certainly is the right place to have this discussion. I did not call out anyone by name and was asking legitimate questions regarding liability and how others would handle the situation. Yes, there was a website and facebook page. Funny how Gary talks in his post about their concerns about liability issues for their skiing endeavors. In this litigious society, unfortunately it is one that comes to the forefront. I have also seen several posts where people talk about how they have their courses insured and who is responsible for the course. Our course is not insured. Second, when your neighbor makes a website and a facebook page promoting his new ski business, why is it so far fetched to think that it may still being going on even though the website was removed. Is it so out the realm of possibility that when the neighbor takes his boat down from the lift in the middle of a work day, pulls someone six times and then goes back in, that the pay to pull may actually still be happening? Third, our lake is small. 42 acres. The course takes up pretty much the entire lake from end to end. I did go into the middle of the ski course on a Sunday morning and sit, but only after I was trying to cross the lake, when the boat was at the other end of the course, and I had to quickly back paddle because you did not patiently wait to let me cross. Yes, I was upset. This has been done to me at least three times and I am not the first person who has complained about nearly being run over by the Sunday morning skiers or who have been told to get off the lake because they were skiing. The blatant disregard for others is what has now become the problem. Also, that same Sunday, you had at least ten people skiing and it went on for four solid hours, that is about 66 pulls back and forth. So yeah, you can probably see why the neighbors' patience has worn out. But no worries, I can see that as a tax paying homeowner on this lake, I will need to coordinate my ski and paddleboard time with the Sunday morning skiers. I will be sure to let all the other lake owners know as well that Sundays mornings are not for them! (eye roll). Great way to promote the sport.
  2. First time poster. Love BOS. Reaching out for some advice. We live on a small private lake in Florida. Our lake has had a slalom course on it for about thirty years with no problems. A couple of years ago someone moved onto the lake and decided it was an opportunity to them to make money on the course. Everyone started noticing heavy traffic on the course and then we discovered our neighbor had a Facebook page and a website where you could pay him for a pull on the lake. You could schedule appt times and even pay through credit card. The lake owners confronted the person and he swore it was just for friends and took down the website, but the pay to pull is still happening and he has a ski club as well. We are pretty sure he is not insured and does not have an LLC for his ski club. Now he has ticked off several of the lake owners who are actively working to remove the course. The lake owners are worried about liability issues should someone get hurt. He is ruining the course for those of us who do not want it taken down and have been skiing on it for years. Any thoughts?
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