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Posts posted by Brokenstack

  1. I don’t like watching a tournament with s turns. Makes it boring.  If I was a high level skiier i might have a different opinion.  Kind of like football i guess. I loved it when a guy came across the middle and you could put the crown of your helmet in his earhole and send him flying.  I used to do it all the time. Fun to do? Yes.  Fun to watch? Yes. Safe?  Not at all.  

    • Like 1
  2. Congratulations Rob!  So cool to see him get a win.  Love following him and his v logs too.  
    And, if i ran a tournament, I would make S turns illegal somehow.  I will probably get killed for that but in my opinion it makes the sport boring to watch.  It’s probably safer for the skiers but I get tired of all those S turns when I watch TWBC.  Much more exciting when they go for it.  I wish the skier somehow got rewarded for trying to get across the wake rather than S turning.  

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  3. I have done a lot of research on them. If you want the best trailering cover, Evolution hands down but it’s probably a year out. 2nd best will be the commercial sewing cover.
    Ski boat covers or Skip If you want more of the boat covered for mooring.
    Westland is probably the cheapest and fastest but not as well fitting.
    I own an Evolution cover and love it.cnic0csmbet3.jpeg

  4. Yep. Lived here the majority of my life and it pretty much sucks now. If I didn’t have family here I would be gone.

    “One of these days I’m gonna move to a place so god awful you people leave us the heck alone” -Joseph from Maverick

  5. All you Dano Haters. Go listen to every single one of the awards presentations that TWBC covers. Tony Lightfoot does the exact same thing Dano does. The difference during the cometition is that TBWC does a webcast that happens to also get broadcast live onsite, The masters is a live onsite event that happens to get webcast. Different announcers would be nice but some one here put up the money.........I am happy to watch what I did for free.

    (I dont know anything about trick skiing or wakeboarding so cant comment on that but really does it matter what the tricks are called? I enjoy watching some amazing athletes.)

    Oh and the NFL has billions of dollars, cameras everywhere, and replay and sometimes they still get it wrong.......

  6. Thanks for everyones thoughts. I told them it wasnt possible for me to bring a ski or handle and they said they had everything. I hope they have some good skis available but also have heard they dont always. I know I will just need to make due with what ever they have. The guy I talked to on the phone didnt know too much about skiing (Said he was a wakeboarder) so I am trying not to let my expectations be too high. I'm only scheduled for 2 sets and I am in decent shape so I dont think I am pushing it too hard but also feel like that will be about my limit. (And yes she is a great wife)
  7. I am from MT. We are taking a vacation to FL next week and for my birthday my wife booked me a couple sets at McCormicks Ski School. This is a bucket list thing for me as I don't have any access to schools and such. I have been skiing for a long time but got on a course for the first time last year and really got interested in the whole tournament scene as a fan. I also realized I have been skiing wrong for 20 years and have a lot of bad habits to break. I have used GiveGo some but am really excited for this opportunity.

    I don't know what I don't know about ski schools and am looking for a little help with ettiquite etc. so I don't look like a total idiot when I show up. I have the first set of the day so won't really be able to watch anyone. Would love to hear your thoughts. Do's and Dont's.

    Do I tip? When and how much? Things like that.


  8. I totally understand your focus. Maybe a sticky at the top of the forum would help? I just know I found this site and learned a lot about skiing from coming and asking a similar question to the one you are addressing. I found out about course skiing and all I had was a cross over boat and it was a very nice boat that I was proud of, not dog poo. I had to make due with what I had even in the course (which I only get access to about 6 times a year). I wish it was 100 but I have to take what I can get and live vicariously through you guys.
  9. I understand as a forum owner that it may be frustrating to cleanup threads like this. However it comes off as a little snobish and part of the reason the sport is in the shape it is. Not all of us have access to a private ski lake with lots of people who share our passions. I know this first hand. I just sold my cross over boat and bought a tournament boat. I have trouble finding anyone to go boating with now. There are a lot of boat owners who LOVE to ski and thats all they want to do but instead of buying the boat they want, they have to compromise for the rest of their family and freinds to have enough people to boat with, and to keep friends and family happy. I truely believe there would be a lot more tournament boats sold if boat owners who loved to ski didn't have that issue. A lot of people come to this thread who know very little about waterskiing (me included) to learn, which is also why you created this forum. They dont know all the unwritten rules of waterskiing, they are just trying to figure out how to make their particular boat ski better. So they come on here and ask the question that has been asked 1000 times before without taking the time to search the forum. I would probably do the same thing if I came here for the first time. I do understand your frustration. I finally learned that a wake boat will not ski well. If I want to be a better skier and maximize what little course time I get I needed a different boat. But I sacrified family time because of it. My whole family has not been on the boat with me once this year.
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