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Everything posted by Rogcapital

  1. Amazing tips and advice. Much appreciate the comments. I’m writing everything down.
  2. Thanks. 5”8 195. Hoping to be 175 or better by the summer. Will free ski most likely at least for the first season. I’m hoping it all comes back to me in one season but maybe that’s wishful thinking. Are detachable binding something you guys use? My kid’s friend busted an ankle last summer and has switched to them. Is that a thing now? The detachables? Anyone else here make a later in life comeback? And were you successful is getting at least partially back to former glory?
  3. Hi, I’m new to the forum. Used to slalom ski into my early 20s. Was pretty decent. Could ride the course at 15 off 36 mph. Then life hit, family etc and stopped skiing. Fast forward I am now in my late 40s, not in great shape, and want to get back into it again. For the past few years I have mostly done wakesurfing (almost daily July and August) a little footing (once or twice off a boom), and a little wakeboarding but my first love is salmon skiing. Can you please recommend a ski and bindings, rope etc for someone like me. Any advice would be appreciated.
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