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    King of Prussia
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    HO Omni
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  1. @mmosley899 how much would something like that cost?
  2. I reached our to @D3dude via PM. A few years ago he had exo forms for sale from a post on BOS. @savaiusini would HO publish their adapter plate specs/design so we can have them custom made?
  3. @JayG80 did they to back to the older mounting placement? If so, then most likely the adapter would work... finding one is a different story
  4. Does anyone know if the mounting system for the exo form binding will fit a 2020 HO omni without the adapter plate?
  5. @Horton I would expect the prices to, relatively, reflect car model pricing. I guess there isn't enough demand to justify offering a more trimmed down version. I'm not necessarily looking for a new boat at the moment. This was more of a reflection post criticizing the manufacturers, and the sport itself, for why the sport is "dying". It's like the Eric Andre meme... *Boat manufacturers outprice everyone* oh my god the sport is dying :0 I'd be interested in knowing how much their (boat manufacturers) gross profits are. This is just a pet peeve of mine. You can't grow a sport when you are only marketing to the .0001% of people who can afford it. I am interested in the growth of the sport because it's difficult to get new members for our club. Our club used to have 50ish active members back in the day. Now we are lucky if we have 5. Out of the 5, two are under under the age of 50. Average age in the club roughly ranges from 55 to 65. Our area used to have boating competitions, competitive skiing events, ski shows and fundraisers! Now we are lucky to get out on the water.
  6. I really like the new boats. I think it's a common complaint among the outsiders of the "1% of the 1% of the 1%'ers" that new boats are insanely expensive. Boats have always been relatively expensive, that's a given. But todays market is a bit out of control. I often hear, "water skiing is dying because people aren't interested", I would like to call baloney on that. Sure, it may not be AS popular, but it's still within the "water sport group" (wakeboarding, surfing, barefooting, and skiing). It has taken a back seat to the more popular sports, like wakeboarding, but it's still relatively popular. To be blunt, the sport didn't die because of interest, the boat manufacturers killed it. They walled anyone from coming in to the sport or wanting to gain traction because of the buy in price (if you are inexperienced and don't understand the used boat market) is insanely high. They turn away potential prospects from ever attempting to join the sport. It's a giant snowball effect. As an example, lets say you're a first time car buyer. You know nothing about cars, but you know that buying a used car may be a money sink or have lots of issues. So you buy new. Same thing with boats. I'd really like to see a new boat, like the Boomerang, that is pure analog. No fancy software or gearing. Just the nuts and bolts - engine, hull, pylon, steadypass. It's something I'd like to see. They would still retain their high end clientele, while satisfying the needs of the "poor". Is it too unreasonable to ask for an affordable boat that has the latest hull design and a decent engine?
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