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Everything posted by nbermudez1992

  1. I've had the WF for some sets now, first impressions are very good, feel more supported in overextended turns. Do have to say the manual is overly complicated for simple concepts. Ill keep you guys posted, but so far i feel it was a good investment before buying a new ski. I have about 10 people with different proficiency levels in my site wanting to try it. I will do my best to do some riguroud testing with everyone and let you guys know what i find out
  2. I just bought the WF pro. im impulsive that way. I run 32off more or less consistently, run 35off (34 and 36MPH) every now and then. started trying 38off not too long ago. I will let you guys know my experience with it!
  3. @Wish who? Montavon? cause Nate is not using it.
  4. oh yeah! you are right with the HO fin. I didnt know about it. and its really cheap. makes you want to try it for the tiny price. https://www.hosports.com/product/waterski-accessories-asher-balance-fin
  5. oh yeah! you are right with the HO fin. I didnt know about it. and its really cheap. makes you want to try it for the tiny price. for those looking for it they call it Ashed Balance Fin.
  6. @Wish i have dm the owner several times to no reply :(
  7. anyone out there willing to sell one? obviously Im more interested in the PRO model, but open to trying the original. PM me :)
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