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Everything posted by dbarbe

  1. This has all been really helpful. I think I am going to try a few more runs on my friend's 67" and see how feels. If it seems too big, I will see if I can get on a 65" or a 66" Vapor (or any other 66"s anyone can recommend!) Truly appreciate all the feedback!
  2. Mostly free skiing. And Ski-it-again is a great idea. I'd like to keep it under $1k including binding.
  3. well....I just checked prices on the Vapor and it is def beyond what I want to spend. Any other recommended 66" skis out there?
  4. He had a 67. Nice ski. Way different feel obviously from the Siege, but there is a lot more than just the length affecting it. I might check out a 66" Vapor, too.
  5. My weight is pretty consistent. I'm 58 years old and have gradually increased my skiing speed over the years. Generally, I'm on open water, but occasionally ski the course.
  6. I ski 34. I am right between in sizes. If only they made a 66.5
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