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Posts posted by mikegile

  1. @ral, there is a big mental difference between choosing to waste your time on the BOS and being mandated to do something. I am anti perv, pro child but don't feel I need another mandated use of my time.


    I am a dentist and in the last 20 years the amount of classes we are forced to take each year has gotten out of control. From OSHA, WISHA, HIPPA, CPR, hazardous materials, risk management, TB prevention, HIV, HR, domestic abuse awareness, suicide awareness, COVID, etc. It has become a full time job and where does it end? Just because its a good idea shouldn't mean we are all forced to participate.


    Do we need to take classes on gender, race, abuse, or shoplifting just so we can do what we love?


    For the record I'm not trying to minimize any of the damage done as I have family that was a victim of sexual abuse. Completely not okay and the perps need to be sent to the woodshed.


    Unfortunately, it is impossible to take a class for every possible sad scenario in this world

  2. u8u0fbh3bmgu.png


    I agree on bigger is better, and to alternate. I use a 1.100 and sometimes a 1.125.


    I feel like the biggest difference for me was going to the anti roll tie like the Radar Bar Lock pictured above. Doesn't put as much twisting on the hands.


  3. +1 for the ‘21. I had a hard time with the ‘20, even went back to my ‘19 for a spell. I felt like the balance point was a touch too far forward for me. The ‘21 not only generates more space with less effort, it feels more stable to me.
  4. I currently have one. It is a great boat with very good wakes. I I have taught many kids behind it.


    Having said that I don't think there is any boat out there that has no wake at 30/15.



  5. Totally agree with Surepath helping your driving. I had a chance to use it recently and although I was doing most things "right", and it felt good from the boat, it was easy to see that everything was late.


    After just a few passes it was a pretty easy correction.


    I'm in on the clinic on driving slalom, country music, and whiskey.



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