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Everything posted by CharlieThreeThree

  1. Do any of you work for an employer? Clicking the next button a few times once a year is way less than what the rest of the world has to do for work. If you really believe that this endangers the sport then maybe you're the problem. Has anyone considered talking to and figuring out what the younger folks actually want from the organization? Or do you just assume that since you're older and you've been around for a while that you know what that generation needs?
  2. Has it occurred to you that you can politely decline and let that be the end of it?
  3. I'm not sure what you're ranting about but maybe you can use those bootstraps you're so proud of to pull yourself out of whatever situation you're in?
  4. Old white man feels threatened by change. You and your lines of thought are not original or at all useful.
  5. That is the worst assumption I've ever seen. In what world do you live in that you could possibly only change one of those variables? There are better ways to have that discussion, and in fact there are many, many threads in place.
  6. 1.15 Judging Standards When a judgment call is too close to call and cannot be decided by allowable reviews, then the benefit of the doubt shall go to the skier.
  7. Maybe every sport you can think of. But there are plenty of others: Track and field/marathon racing Swimming Gymnastics Nascar Most X-Games sports Downhill ski racing Speed skating Cycling
  8. http://www.iwwfed-ea.org and their wstims equivalent http://www.waterski-softwares.com/ At least iwwf-world and iwwf-ems have certs.
  9. After all this time the iwwf still doesn't even have an SSL certificate on their site. That's something you have to willfully choose to exclude in 2023, literally every domain provider includes that in their cost. Anyone know what's gonna happen with all the tournaments that happened but don't have any scores posted in wstims?
  10. There's literally no difference between AI and an idiot. Where do you think the language models AI is trained on came from?
  11. More than Joel does with his eyes closed like that
  12. I'm bashing the idea of using volunteers for something of the scale of usaws, not the lovely people themselves.
  13. There are other consequences to data breaches than getting your email address spammed or credit card numbers stolen or prior results vanishing - you personally might not be worried about someone showing up at your house, but sexual assault victims sure are. And "but other sites do it too" is no excuse for lax security. GDPR rules and regs are no joke either, this puts businesses in jeopardy. It's all valuable data because none of us could have put in fake/throwaway stuff like we would with any other random site, so it's pretty much all verified. Trusting volunteers to manage this stuff is a boneheaded move. It is not 2013 anymore. Now they've justifiably lost everyone's trust and it's going to take some serious changes to earn it back.
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