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DvarianDan Johnson

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Posts posted by DvarianDan Johnson

  1. Yes remiss of me to not have mentioned the still ongoing magazine, but in all honesty are U getting anything there that isn't readily available here (BOS), Spraymakers, FPM, Rob H videos, etc, etc.  Doubtful any new pearls of wisdom from the mag.    Membership if you're re not competing is of course being reconciled to the fact that you're mainly just supporting the greater good with your funding.  

  2. The adhesive for indoor/outdoor carpet you can get at Lowe’s is for marine use also. Works great. Important with any adhesive is to not use too much . 

  3. 2 hours ago, Horton said:

    Same as any amateur competition. Why do anything? Why play tennis or ride bikes or play basketball. 

    Organization membership isn’t required for most other amateur events . Can join community leagues, intramural events, etc.  We need to stop trying to justify

    • What's the value proposition of membership/joining? 
    • Same as @MitchellM noted in tennis - it's only if you want to compete
    • So what's the value prop in competing?
    • Opportunity to become an elite athlete
    • So what's the value prop of becoming an elite athlete? Certainly not making 7-8 figures
    • Reality checks along the way include extensive training costs, fewer tournaments, lower participation, higher tourney costs, extended wait times, etc. etc.  

    There is no compelling value prop here.  From all indicators this is a dying model.  It's not complicated. Kudos to @Jody_Seal for putting this back on the table . It's not popular but its real.     

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  4. 7 hours ago, Jody_Seal said:

    no epoxy for exhaust.  epoxy will soften with heat. 

    standard fiberglass and boat yard resin will withstand 500 plus degrees before ignition or melting. 


    @Jody_Seal Interesting . Good information . I've never applied fiberglass to an exhaust. So I'll revise - for any construction/fabrication (non mechanical) applications  - go Epoxy vs Poly.  Thanks again. 

  5. @MitchellMSo great to see the rare thread like this on putting IN a new course as more the news of late years is more on losing them.  I'm sure you're going to have no trouble getting ballers to show up and ski. Just the fair warning you are likely already well aware of, the addiction is 5X stronger with your own course now available.  You'll be running deep short line in no time .   Enjoy!

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  6. When fiberglassing anything I’d highly recommend using epoxy resin vs poly resin. Epoxy is far stronger , longer lasting, and better bonding. It’s no contest. If using cloth also use high quality cloth appropriate for the job. I can recommend fiberglassSite.com as offering high quality products snd information on both.  There are a number of sources for high quality fiberglass supplies, but definitely go all Epoxy. You won’t regret it . 

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