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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. I think there will be fewer dayglo orange this year because every other manufacturer has stepped up their game.  I think i could get on any of the top skis and be within a few bouys of the other.  It just comes down to personal feel.  MS  whatch out for the HO rocks comments, i may have to exhert my policing power and put you on probation,  you got your ticket to shreveport for july.  our lake is bitchin.
  2. not gonna make covington next weekend, my wife has it all booked up, kids parties, triathelon, time to get her priorities aligned, gonna have to get out my whoopin stick.  Jd's will be the first tourney.  full on from then.  should have 9800 back today, ridin it tomorrow, make up my mind this week.  great skiing by the way scoke last wknd
  3. I have had about 4 sets on a 67inch mpd.  first ride was with fin a bit deeper than 2.5, 6.850, .765 dft.  ski felt great off the second wake but i didn't like the way it finished the turns.  second set, i moved the fin forward to .77, 6.86 and 2.50. still great off the second wake but riding tip high through the turns.  4th set i shallowed up a bit (don't ask me why because there is little logic to my fin tuning) 2.495, a bit longer 6.8725, and .7825.  the ski is mucho grande better through the finish of the turn.  It carries out off the second wake better than anything i have been on in a while and now is finishing almost how i like it.  a bit more tuning and i may be hooked on a new ride. only time will tell.  My last favorite ski was a 9700 which i sold in a moment of weakness (wish i still had it) for a 9800 i just can't get consistent on.  I am trying the 98 again this week,  I will keep an open mind and post my findings.

  4. scoke- stop squeezin the handle like a baseball bat and relax that grip-send me some vids of what you been working on.  I been working on a few new focus points, a few more sets and I can get u some more to wk on.
  5. I think the no wing is good for 34, as long as you avoid falling back in the turn,  the tip of the ski can rise up quite easily with out a wing,  has any one used say 5deg.  or maybe ad a bit of tip w/o the wing.  had a really good set last night working on a few bugs in my gate, but i definately like the increased speed and width wingless.  on the other side of the t-shirt (   MS ?  )
  6. the knees come up as a result of compression from the load, nothing else,  i.e. longer rope less compression off 2nd wake, shorter rope, more load, more compression,  the compression lets the ski move from underneath you to out in front  for edge change. That parrish vid is the bomb, no knee bend there.
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