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Posts posted by skibug

  1. Since your off side turn is coming around better, giving you better angle and a tighter line; this means you don't have to pull so long into your 2, 4, 6.  That might have been a habbit you, not knowingly, picked up.  Now that the offside is coming around; you may have to initiate your edge change sooner going into 2, 4.

  2. I guess that was sort of a leading question......so the intent is to always travel at a constant speed; but, the boat is waiting for the skiers load input to adjust accordibngly, same as PP or SG.  With this scenario we will never get to a constant speed.  It is impossible.  Speed is still calculated as d*t; because that is what speed is.  There will always be an impact on the skier; it is just a matter of how much and where you want it.  The DBW boats will always feel different then the cable throttle boats.  They react faster.  There are computer chips talking to computer chips in the DBW.  The electrical signals are generating faster inputs and outputs, etc.

     No two skiers ski the same.  Some load up off the ball earlier than others, some are more fortunate and S.L.A.G. (ski like a girl).

    My point is, if the beauty of ZO is to have GPS, and no other inputs except skier preference on pull feel(A,B,C); why can't they collectively; and by that I mean PP and ZO, work to make ZO and SG feel like PP.  I don't see this as a step backwards; just as a step more in line.  ZO has got what they want out of the deal, exclusive rights to the OEM and tournaments.  Maybe pride should take a back seat and the benefit of the masses should come to the forefront.....and no I am not a Democrat 

  3. Does ZO and/or SG, and PP for that matter,  react to what the input is from the skier or do the settings predetermine when the RPMs or MPH are applied.  For instance, does ZO know how far it is away from the turn ball, relative to the boats position in the course, and apply the gas in anticipation of where the skier SHOULD be pulling; or, is it waiting for the load of the skier to adjust? 

  4. Alright, sorry for the bitching......it just hit me that all of this variance makes for such a taxing discussion.  It is too bad that they can't make something that allows each skier to carry there speed control package with them, much like the ski they prefer to use.  A type of plug and play set up for each boat.  You would simply hand the driver something like and MP3 player, jack it in and away you go.  That way no one could complain about it, sor to of like choosing your own ski and ski set up.....its on you. 
  5. How about "NONE"....of course that isn't a voting answer.  We don't have access to it within our club.  Only (1) boat out of the (7) that are owned buy our club members is new enough and that one owner isn't a tournament skier so the investment of $1300 doesn't really make it on his radar screen.  We do have (2) big dawg skiers (into 39 off) but they have a 2005 SN....so, no ZO for them.
  6. jdarwin,


    Would you be willing to share some good numbers for that X5?  I have a 2007 Nomad RC and I am quite a bit away from the stock numbers they have posted at the D3 site; and, I understand that a lot of others are as well.  So I am assuming that the stock #s for the X5 are not as accurate as they could be.

  7. lkb,

     yes, even with accurate (good) times.  It is just a little less forgiving in the preturn.  My boat has a very soft but consistant pull, my baseline for 34 mph is 3290 rpm.  So, on PP mode I use a Kx +, which picks me up a little faster off the ball.  I played with the Kx settings on the SG; but, it didn't seem to make it any better.  (-) was worse & (+) was worse.  The normal Kx felt the best on SG.



    Thanks for the efforts, I would be interested to compare.  My current #'s are pregate = .65, 1 ball = 26, 3 ball = 19.  These numbers get actuals 90 % of the time, sometimes the splits come up just a touch hot, like 7.11 or 7.12 where I would prefer some 7.15 or 7.16.

  8. SG my on my 2003 Response LX is still not as dialed in as the PP mode.  I am not sure on how to change what I am feeling.  I adjusted the tables to get the right splits and end time; but, it just doesn't seem to let me free of the boat.  In the pre-turn, it just keeps running away.  Does anyone get this same sensation and is there an adjustment I am missing?  I am starting to thing like some of the others and say let's just go back to PP 
  9. lkb and Roger,

    I can confirm from a very good source (also a top pro event driver working with ZO) that ZO had bleed over from the "jump mode" code in to the "slalom mode" code.  Not sure how this would have happened but they must be using some of the same or shared  algorythms for both modes.

  10. I don't know about everyone else; but, in our ski goroup of about 8-10 guys, I think everyone has their own line and handle.  Is that odd or more the norm.  Obviously this makes changing out the handle a moot point.
  11. KG, 

    I have the same spray problem....but it isn't the shorts with me; and, it looks like it isn't the shorts with you either.  It is my ankle, shin, knee dragging in the water on my offside turn.  Do you ski with a rear toe plate?  I do.  I can watch myself on slo-mo tape and see exactly where the problem is, correcting it is a different story.  I think it occurs because the rear leg becomes a little bowed or turned in, due to the freedom it has in the RTP.  I think it would occur with double high raps as well, when the rear knee doesn't stay tucked in behind the front knee.  With all that said, i don't know exactly how to correct it either, without consciously changing my ski style.

  12. Looks like everyone will have to go out and buy a TWB boat, 2009 or later.  PP gave up all of the OEM rights to ZO.  It doesn't look like SG will be at any tournaments since all tournament boats are promo boats provided by the OEM's.  This is what I understand....does anyone know any different??


  13. jdarwin,

     I was having some of the same problems with a slow first half and then fast 2nd half.  Tonight before I skied, I adjusted the 1 ball (24 to 26) and the 3 ball (17 to 19) and that seemed to cure the splits and end.  I have a 2003 Malibu Response LX 335 Monsoon.  I was just curious how much you had to adjust yours.  I am assuming the boats were all 08's?

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