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    Tivoli Gardens and Hidden Lake.
  • Real Name
    Mark Johnson
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  1. I just tried Hortons numbers today. I had my best two sets in over a year. If you are looking for a new ski the XTR team should certainly be on your shortlist. If you’re on an older XTR, you owe it to yourself to try this ski out. It is a truly an upgrade.
  2. Horton, where do you have your front binding set at?
  3. Horton, what size XTR Team are testing?
  4. I have read how Tournament Participation is down and have witnessed it over the last 10 years. However, in Michigan this season almost all tournaments have been full - with waiting lists. I haven’t seen this since the mid 90’s. We have two tournaments at two different sites coming up this weekend and both filled up the last few spots early in the week. We hope this continues
  5. Thanks for the offers. She was able to get a ski from a D3 vender overnite. Just hope I don't have the same experience Saturday when I fly in!! See you all soon.
  6. I have a friend who was traveling to the Mid West Regionals yesterday and her ski was broken into several pieces during travel (airline ran over the ski). Does anyone have any suggestions on finding/borrowing a ski for her? She was on a D3 X7? and was probably on a 66 at 32mph. Her event is Friday. Thanks for any help. Mark Johnson
  7. Ive heard the Goode NANO Twist (Mid Ride with the 32 mph bevels) has been great at this speed!! Two friends have just got their's this month and they are loving it at 32mph. Also, they both went with the bigger ski 66".
  8. Dave Grude owns Pelican, which is about 9 miles north of the Ohio border. Brian Grieser has a Lake a couple miles north of Pelican and Al Bishop has a lake just outside of Toledo. Sorry, but I don't have contact information.
  9. In the Spring we regularly ski with ice still on the lake. We normally need to take a few passes up and down to help push the ice away, but it's a fun time of the year for us!! A few drinks afterwards never hurt as well.
  10. Congrats to my boy's from the Midwest. Way to go Jason and Brian. Great showing in tough conditions!! Mark Johnson
  11. Yep, if you put the ski on a flat surface and look down the ski, from the tail, you will see it.
  12. The twist for a righty should be "counter clock wise". If you put the ski on a table and look down the ski, you should see the right side of the end of the ski turned up. However, I've been wondering what an opposite twist would feel like. You should try it and report back. Good luck. Mark
  13. I wiegh 172, the front binding is currently at 29 3/16 and will try moving back more.
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