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Posts posted by slow

  1. I’m in Washington State. A physician friend of mine came back positive 10 days ago and was only tested because he had a mild fever and dry cough but was in the medical community. His entire family of 6 is assumed positive and have been in quarantine their house together with the same symptoms. Their symptoms are are improving. When they are symptom-free for seven days they can be released. The state only counts that as one positive. Is it doubtfull he would’ve ever been tested if he wasn’t a doctor.
  2. I ski behind a 206 with a tower and 196 with out a tower. There is no comparison in the wakes. I think part of it is that you can’t get all the water out of the bladders
  3. From what I can tell there is no law that can prevent damage from a massive surfboat in a average size lake other than size restriction Waves generated carry for miles now. They destroy shoreline and docks and as I said before just about any other activity you wanna do on the lake. We get giant waves that hit our shoreline long after the boats are gone. Our lake is about a mile and a half wide and 5 miles long I can’t imagine what they’re doing on smaller lake. Current wake restriction is 200 feet from the end of your dock which is more than you need for a water skiing boat.


  4. I love water skiing but on our lake in North Idaho if I had a choice between massive surfboards turning the lake into a ocean and destroying the shoreline and no boats, i would have to go with no boats. A middle ground needs to be found. Operating 200 feet off the shoreline does near nothing to reduce the size of waves with the current generation of surf boats and makes other activities such as swimming, sailing, skiing or just cruising the lake unpleasant.
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