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Posts posted by SM

  1. I skied a bunch of set in the last couple of days and was skiing really tired this morning. Normally I wouldn't ski this tired but the conditions and location were to good to pass up. I was skiing way under my normal ball count and even running 28 off was a lot of work. We sped the boat up to 36 and it was much easier, basically less effort and more gliding. My question is, is there a ski setup adjustment you can make that makes your ski behave like it does at 36 MPH for 34 MPH?
  2. As a Cold Climate Canadian, I've probably got 30 sets in so far this year. 2 of which were in Canada. There's nothing like 80 degree water and we just so rarely get it here, we make a lot of road trips.
  3. I'm looking for a inexpensive way to safely ship my ski without bindings by air. I've used ABS pipe to build a travel case for my fishing rods, which is perfect. Does anybody have a solution like this?



  4. The river was like that for miles, it was awesome. After we ski today we are going to have to winterize the boat again as the temperature is supposed to go well below freezing in the coming days.
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