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Posts posted by Skihack

  1. This will be on a public lake subject to alot of change in the water level. One month the water can be 20 feet deep then the next month 12 feet or 25 feet. I am sure to go with a cable system with PVC arms. The accu sink with the eight sections seem to me would be difficult to maintain even tension through out. One complete mainline appears to be easier to get straight and maintain even tension. I was hoping to hear from some experiences. I had an older Accu float that worked well until the US Army Corps cut it up. But, I do not think there are any out there with that type high quality SS cable.
  2. My high jump was just a tad over 6 foot. I am 5' 9" so it was just above my head. However, I pole vaulted in high school as there were three guys who could high jump higher. We had world class athletes on our high school track team. I wasn't much on the pole vault just getting a few inches over 14 feet on a good day, most of the time a bit shy of 14 feet. Pole vaulting in my mind is a very good sport for a slalom skier.
  3. Most ski schools do not pay their instructors so you really only have to deduct the gas they use to ski and their room and board. Still would make it tough to turn a profit. If I could have turned a decent profit, I would have ran a ski school. But, in the end, it wasn't going to be worth the effort in my mind. I worked two years at a ski school in the 80's, and there just wasn't a whole lot of profit in it then.
  4. Shocked to hear this. Last time I saw him was in the 80's. Skied against him at West Palm Beach. Remember it well since he had switched to a 68" Pro Stock from EP. Dave Curmi had set him up with a special flex/tail, tip rocker ski. We were looking over each other's EP Pro Stock's. I remember he skied very well that day beating out Mike Morgan and Lucky Lowe. He couldn't have been much older than 50. Sad news indeed.
  5. Yes, I saw it as well. Although I did not find it offensive, this is a waterskiing website and not a political website. However, it really is getting to the point that those folks in Washington can really infringe on our right to do what we love as a group. And that is to ski. So, we must be aware of what is going on politically, individually and collectively. I also believe Horton would not want his site could come under scrutiny from those in DC, hence, a very good reason to keep politics out of this wonderful water ski forum.
  6. The Rogue is basically a hybrid concave whereas the encore is edge to edge concave. It is $100 demo fee for the Rogue plus you pay shipping both ways. If you like it, then you have 30 days to buy it so you wouldn't have to pay the demo fee as it would apply to the purchase. I chose not to try it, because if you do not like it you're out of $100 dollars plus shipping and no other skis to try. But if you do RBYB, you can try other ski brands.
  7. Thought this would be newsworthy even though it is a class c tourney. Open Men's skier Adam Caldwell ran into 41 off at a class c tourney in Smithfield, NC this weekend on a ski he made himself with another fellow skier. I believe he ran 2.5 at 39.5 off last weekend at the Little Mountain Record as well on this homemade ski. Seems alike of homemade skis are coming out. Pretty darn good skiing.
  8. At 225lbs. I rode the 69.5 Strada. It is a big ski, but I had no trouble turning it. This was the 2012 model. If you are a very still skier, it works really well. If you move around you get a squirrelly ride. Don't know what that's about. I only ride these skis if for demoing only, as I have no desire to spend $1000 plus for a slalom ski. I would be very curious to see how the new 2013 Strada rides. They are looking real good on other skiers thus far.
  9. I have seen a couple at two tournaments in North Carolina. I believe both skiers have improved a pass or two. Compared to last year's Strada, the orange one seems to turn better, almost too quick, attains more angle and is faster from side to side. I believe Radar may have knocked it out of the park with this one due to a different layup.
  10. I was reading the Nano One settings thread, in which a BOSer stated that he was adding depth to get more tip. That got me to thinking is depth and tip mutually exclusive or inclusive when you add depth or take away depth? I mean obviously when you add length, you are adding tip at the same time. Right? If you drop the tip, then obviously you get more length than if you dropped the rear of the fin. Vice Versa, by dropping the rear of the fin you get more depth than you would if you dropped the tip. Now, if you were working with some of the older stainless EP fins which were not straight down at the top back, you would bet entirely different results.
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