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  1. There are several 3M adhesive removal products out there, but the one Goode reccomends is citrus based. I've never used it, so I can't comment on how well it works.  I've always used the Schnitz method with mineral spirits: "This applies to the black foam backed Dual Lock only! Pull the Dual Lock off the ski. Saturate the foam that's still attached to the ski with Mineral Spirits. Put the ski in the shade and walk away for 40 minutes. The foam should now lift right off. Grab one end and lift. Clean the top with Mineral Spirits. Done! If your ski is a Goode, do not get any Mineral Spirits on the sides or bottom of the ski as it will remove the paint. The Mineral Spirits will not affect the top of any skis. It will only affect painted surfaces."
  2. AB, If my memory serves me, a while back you posted on one of the boards your method for applying Dual Lock to the ski and the plate on your Powershells. I recall it being quite effective. Is there anyway you could type up that synopsis again? I searched for it on Nicholls and I think with the board change, it's gone. If it wasn't you, I apologize. Thanks in advance.
  3. You are correct, RS. Sorry about that and the confusion. Those are 67" numbers.
  4. AB, Try these numbers: Proposed 2.513 6.745 (J) 0.780 (E) 8 Degrees 29.125 5/24/2007 The length is jaws based on my digital calipers from Schnitz. Use the Goode method for DFT and shoot for the number posted above. Make sure the bindings are far enough back with these numbers -- be at stock, but absolutley no more forward or else it'll bite and stop on the offside. Let me know how they work.
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