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John Brooks

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Posts posted by John Brooks

  1. In looking at the write up on the Home page, looks like this is a men only event, as far as participation. Why are the women not included? Since they are skiing 34 I always like to watch them (well maybe that's not the only reason) but I feel many parts of their technique is more valuable to many of us than watching the guys. I enjoy watching all of them. I believe it is also very important in respect to the growth and health of our sport.
  2. @bkk Have not heard that but will say check with HO. Couple years ago I had an A1 with some issues about a year after purchase and they completely replaced the ski, no questions asked. It was prompt and timely. Great service.
  3. Than, I was having a similiar experience, skiing very well the beginning of September and last few days off a few buoys. I generally use A2, but my ski partner convinced me to try C2, I was totally amazed at how much better that felt.


    In my recent issues I felt like I was constantly not getting across course and turning at the buoy. Since C2 picked me up much earlier and dropped off earlier, I was across course earlier and had time to slow down for the turn.


    Tomorrow may be completely different again, but for now, I'll see where this takes me.

  4. @jhughes I agree with what's been said. Find your keys and focus on them every time. Some video would be your best bet and quickest way to find the solution, whether you post the video here or just a little self assessment. I know for me, every time I video, I get some benefit. I usually watch it frame by frame to see what I'm doing (or not doing).


    To me it all really boils down to angle and speed.


    As the rope gets shorter it seems there is always some technique to polish, whether it is getting higher on the boat for your gate turn in, keeping the ski in front of you across course, a nice extended reach in the turn so your ski finishes, or any of the number of techinical items we all try to follow.

  5. I would have to agree with you guys. I have been skiing on the 68.5 M6.0 and when I first started on it, got so much angle, and I was not used to the ski turning so quick and being so early to the ball, that I turned on the wrong side of the buoy. It is amazingly forgiving, fast cross course and turns very nicely. From the day I got on it I loved it.
  6. I think @Wish makes good comments. We need to be honest with feedback although I very much understand the economics of it all. I did not attend Soaked, my ski partner did and said he really enjoyed the event and especially commented on how enjoyable the trick portion was done.


    I have attended the Malibu and loved that event. It did feel like a festival and I saw and talked with a number of non skiing spectators. There were plenty of food and drink vendors. It felt very open and welcoming, had great skiing and jumping and I enjoyed the exhibition events which I thought were a nice touch.

  7. I'm curious as I read through the comments in this thread about Perfect Pass and Zero Off. My curiosity is why skiers have a preference over their favorite cruise control system.


    Personally I went to ZO originally since I wanted to experience the same pull I get in a tournament. After using it for a couple years, I enjoy it's simplicity (I just pick a speed and move on, no adjusting for wind, weight, full moons, ect) and a consistent pull, time after time.

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