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Posts posted by Bruce_Butterfield

  1. Wow! I really admire your spirit and desire to fix her up. From a strictly financial standpoint that boat should have been sent to the landfill and you could have found a similar model/year and got to pristine condition for much less effort. Is there something that made that boat special and worthy of going the extra mile?
  2. Most tournaments I've been at use outdated and user unfriendly cameras that are a PIA. We use plain old Iphones and either download to a computer or play directly. Every kid knows how to record and use and the video quality is excellent. Ipad is good as well, just a little bulky in the boat.
  3. I'll wager that Texas has the absolute worst water for "water spots" and associated film. Our water is VERY muddy and high temps make it a bitch to keep a boat clean. Lime away, vinegar and water, etc don't put a dent in it. I've resorted to a 50/50 mix of muriatic acid and water (plus lots of elbow grease) to clean my boats near the end of the season. Yep, nasty stuff that requires goggles and gloves, but that's the only thing that takes the spots and film off. And yes we always spray and wipe down the boat after every use. Bottom line is that the gelcoat more than handles that stuff with no damage.
  4. @lpskier you must be talking to some oddball engineers or they don’t understand how to measure fins. I’m surprised your numbers were that close?


    Caliper brand won’t matter if you are measuring a flat surface like they are intended, but measuring round surfaces on a ski is not what they were designed to do.

  5. 2.53 is REALLY deep for most skiers and certainly would cause your school bus offside turns. The best guidance for the CG fin is to set it at the same position as your original fin, but back about 0.030", i.e. your DFT would be 0.030 less than your normal fin.


    Here are the settings from HO. Your posted settings appear to be FUBAR.


    65” SYNDICATE OMEGA MAX 64.5” x 6.82” UP TO 150 LBS. 29.000” 6.850” 2.505” 0.755” 8 DEGREES

    66” SYNDICATE OMEGA MAX 65.5” x 6.92” 150 LBS - 180 LBS. 29.375” 6.850” 2.505” 0.760” 8 DEGREES

    67” SYNDICATE OMEGA MAX 66.5” x 7.02” 180 LBS - 210 LBS. 29.750” 6.850” 2.505” 0.765” 8 DEGREES

    68” SYNDICATE OMEGA MAX 67.4” x 7.12” OVER 210 LBS. 30.125” 6.850” 2.505” 0.770” 8 DEGREES


  6. It’s really up to the chief judge to put the most qualified officials in the places they are needed. I understand what you are bringing up and it is a real issue that needs to be addressed with care. Many of those chronologically gifted folks genuinely want to help out and participate in any way they can. They are still part of the skiing “family”


    So…… the CJ “should” be aware of the judges abilities and make assignments accordingly. It’s pretty easy to judge kids slalom from a tower. If they really want to judge tricks, be sure it’s an easier group and there are 2 well qualified judges so in reality it won’t matter much. For jump there is suppose to be 2 people on redundant computers so the geezers are little more than last resort backup.

  7. @Dirt I'm not mad by any means. I was just pointing out someone who made a blanket statement and offered bets, then starts putting chickenshit restrictions out to walk back his original statement, then acting like everyone else is afraid or something.


    He took what should have been a fun, friendly simple wager into something a trial lawyer would love.

  8. @lpskier I have known scoke for years, but I’m still undecided on my prior question.


    And there is sometimes a fine line between stirring the pot and just being an asshole.

  9. @scoke I’m still trying to figure out if you are intentionally trolling ridiculous ideas to see what response you can get or if you are just an obnoxious asshole. Maybe we need another poll?
  10. Yeah I share the complaints about announcing, but another major issue is how they changed the camera angle at exactly the wrong times, leaving the viewer thinking ..wait, what...


    Happened consistently in both trick and jump where the camera angle changed twice for the skier at critical times leaving the viewer disoriented.


    The Masters is suppose to be the Premier event in 3 event water skiing. IMO, Nautique and the other sponsors need to decide going forward if this is a real 3 event world caliber event, a WWE wakeboard show, or an infomercial for all the awesome boats Correct Craft builds. Currently they are trying to do all 3 at once, and it sucks.

  11. @BKistler you stated "optics are not good. The organization should stand for safety first"

    I'm sorry, but WTF? Competitive skiing and the "organization" is not about "optics" or "safety first", its about competitive skiing.


    I know you are an old codger, but it seems like you need to find a safe space.


    Sorry for the rant.

  12. @tlarocque you are looking at 2 boats, 1 25 years old and the other 16 years old. Both of those hulls and overall design are outstanding. At your level (and several levels higher) the performance of those 2 boat designs is more than awesome.


    Any older boat will need maintenance. By far the most critical aspect is how well the prior owners cared for and performed regular maintenance. You can get a pretty good feel with a 5 minute walk around and quick drive of the boat. Steering could be an issue, but steering cables are a regular replacement item that many owners neglect.


    IMO, the main question you need to figure out is if 1 boat is worth a $10-12k premium over the other.


    Oh and if you are trailering the boat, replace your tires every 4 years regardless of anything else. (I have learned that the hard way)

  13. Curious why the ortho thinks you need the biceps Tenodesis? Its not an unusual side effect or one of the old folks injuries, but haven't seen it as a stand alone remedy.


    From my experience..... the biceps tendinosis is pretty mild, but there is likely (?) something else involved. I had my dominant arm bicep tendon rupture after many years of shoulder issues, but that was a side effect of more major problems. The biceps tendinosis by itself is routine and relatively minor surgery. Depending on your ortho, the main recovery is the 6 weeks in the sling.....


    PT is your best friend.

  14. @RichardDoane ok fair enough. That is well within many of the outlier settings I have seen on prior Denalis and oddball skiers on other skis, just surprising with my experience on the C85. Curious what happened when you were closer to 28 7/8"?
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