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Posts posted by elr

  1. In order to keep the ability to shorten at slower speeds (which doesn't seem to be contentious) but maintain the current traditional competition structure (which the higher end skiers appear to desire) how about changing the rule by adding the language in brackets.


    E. After each completed pass, the skier may advance to a higher speed [up to age division maximum], and/or a shorter line – i.e. pass-to-pass movements in the matrix may only go down [to age division maximum], and/or to the Right.


    To accommodate the folks that want to go faster than age division maximum how about using the international "and older" language for the age groupings.

  2. @Bruce_Butterfield @skier2788 - "If you, or anyone else, is so close to the edge of quitting over such a minor rule change, I'm sure there is a long list of other things that would be a convenient excuse as well"


    So you think I'm making excuses - In the last four months I've had my 4th back surgery and a total hip replacement and I'd like to stay involved. ZBS is a MAJOR rule change for me as I am unlikely to ski to speed until a couple age groups have passed and chasing speed at 15off is not appealing to me.


    I get it - the traditional tournament structure works for world list skiers.


    Over the last 15 years I've advocated for increasing access to tournament skiing for the other 95%, e.g.:


    - Removing minimum start speeds - minimum start speeds caused my older son to stop

    - ZBS - after watching my athletically immature younger son chase speed for 8 years, tricking and overall kept him in the game until he made speed.

    - Tournament on Demand - for those who the traditional structure doesn't work


    So yes - if ZBS is rescinded I will not feel welcome, nor have fun, at tournaments and my advocacy will have proved fruitless. An official that kept the 2nd lake running at numerous tournaments will not be on hand. And, an HOA advocate for hosting tournaments at a Nationals, US Open, Junior US Open, Regionals, and record tournament site will go offline. By the way there are now only 4 tournament families (including me) at a 60 unit subdivision.


    All of this over a false sense of equivalency. Trick scores are trick scores and jump distances are jump distances for all age groups. But a B3 that runs 22@34 scores 66 and a M3 who runs 22@34 scores 78 under the traditional system.


    I am a firm believer that placements will not change under ZBS but if you want to maintain the false equivalency run those classes or tournaments under L/R rules.


  3. Yep - according to a Facebook posting by a reliable source the Southern Region has sent in a request to rescind ZBS. Personally this would remove any motivation to remain with AWSA - so a skier/official would be lost. @Horton @GK maybe this should be retitled "Request to Rescind ZBS." @JeffSurdej why did I learn about this on FB?
  4. Maybe we should have two concurrent tournaments. Nationals (age group) and Elite (USA L9-10). Ski in both if qualified.


    If you want to make it a festival have a Festival Championship (handicapped - just need an official handicap - run with boat judge only). Ski in all three if qualified. It may limit who could host depending on.numbers. But would make the attedance economics better.

  5. As I thought most of the resistance centers around equivalency which is driven by how we currently qualify for Regionals and Nationals.


    So here is what I'm thinking --


    - Two separate lists, a Handicap List, and a Ranking [Traditional Tournament] List. Scores from the Ranking List feed the Handicap List. Tournament on Demand [e.g. 17H0213 for February 13, 2017] scores only feed the Handicap list.

    - Qualifying for Regionals and Nationals via the Ranking List remain unchanged.

    - Qualifying for Regionals [only] via the Handicap List requires X number of scores - it doesn't matter what the scores are to dis-incentivize cheating.

    - Using the Golf vernacular raw scores on the Handicap List can be sloped [or not] for the conditions the score was achieved under e.g. Class R Tournament highest to ToD with Trained Driver, Assistant Judge, un-surveyed course, non-current boat lowest.


    I'm thinking this helps facilitate "beer leagues" and provides an alternative path to Regionals without doing violence to the traditional structure.


    Also, to help grow membership send ski school students or your buddies home with a score.


  6. I was thinking about access and increasing membership and came up with this --


    So I'm on the dock at Cory's [insert approved tournament site here e.g. @Horton 's] in line for a lesson. @Jody_Seal [insert rated driver here] is driving today. @JeffSurdej [insert rated judge here] is there to take a set also. Why can't I say to Cory "I'd like to start with a tournament set." Jody pulls me and Jeff boat judges. I fall on my 3rd pass and get my score. Passes 4-6 I get instruction. At the end of my ride I get an attested score sheet. I go home and get online and enter my class whatever score into the Rankings Database. The first tournament ride I enter in a year costs me $X and each ride thereafter costs $Y. I get my tournament score. I haven't had to spend the night in a hotel room or be away from the family for a weekend day and I've got a tournament score in the database. AWSA has an income stream.

  7. Congrats @jdarwin you have figured out a way to take out the "cheating" factor by removing the ranking list that 90+ percent of the TOURNAMENT skiers don't need. I really believe that the "beer league" format is a compelling way to grow tournament skiing. I think a beer league NationaIs without qualifying standards and team entry would be very compelling to industry sponsors. I would like to talk about your risk management protocol next time we see each other.
  8. We need to start thinking about the international model - preliminaries & finals - for our Regionals & Nationals. It would cut the cost per ride for the folks that make finals about in half. Making finals would be a goal for folks that don't think they will podium. Double the pressure too with essentially two one round tournaments. Probably should be looking at the international age groups as well to increase competition.
  9. @klindy -- hopefully it will make the tournament twice as long with many more participants with more to do. Hopefully, everyone in the family can slalom a lot so travel cost/ride gets more reasonable. A two lake site may not work anymore. But the economics for the LOC and sponsors would in theory get better. We need to increase participation or change the financial arrangement so that the hosts are not working for $.50/hour while their non-skiing neighbors are getting angry at them because they can't use the lake they are paying for.
  10. @klindy - don't surveyed/measured courses alleviate the virtual timing problem? The difficulty with PP was that within driving a few sets a competent novice driver could purposely pull a slow in-tolerance time. If a novice driver could do that a rated driver should be able to drive around a small tolerance.
  11. This may be the first rule change change resulting from a BOS discussion. Kudos to Jeff Surdej for trying something new. I personally do NOT believe that Top 5 placements at Regionals/Nationals would be impacted as the top skiers would be skiing at max speed anyway. In any event all skiers under this system would have the the choice to ski at the speed that maximizes their score.


    Here are links to the discussions:

    Would doing away with max speeds change slalom for the better?


    Boys 3 - The progression from 34 to 36

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