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Posts posted by ForrestGump

  1. Interesting!

    Like the vest. It would have been cooler to make the back with that graphic and the front to be black with the white stripe and emblem like the special edition RS1 ski.

    The RS1 gloves look interesting. M2 had told me to wait on buying gloves until these came out so I've been wanting to try them.

    Love the top on the new Annex.

    Hate the top on the new Senate C. Looks like half of a combo set from the 80s! lol.

    About time they got rid of the MPD slalom bag!


  2. .........instead of us men. Because the fate of the human race as we know it hangs in the balance if God saw fit for it to be the other way. I'm convinced. I went to the orthopedic doctor again today and he decides to inject a steroid directly into my trapezius since it was being really slow to heal. Ok, so I didn't tell him that I've been skiing for the last 4 weeks. LOL. Shhhhh.........that's just between us. So he sprays my back with freeze it spray and then jabs me with what HAD to have been a 16 inch needle. MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!! My first thought after passing out and then waking up was "Did he deflate my left lung?" Upon further self examination, I realized that I had just stopped breathing on my own. Ok.......in......... out......... in........out.........Wax on....... wax off......Whew!  I'm curious now just how much it would have hurt had he not used the freeze it spray. Not curious enough to go try it, mind you. But DAMN! My brain is still having a hard time processing information. So my question becomes..........are we men just nancy boys?!?! Because that hurt like nothing I've ever experienced. I can't see volunteering for that again.  So how is it that a woman can volunteer to have more than one baby?!?!?! Thank goodness, lest the human race as we know it would end.


    Shane Hill

  3. That damn JTH shut down CF about the time I was ready to try some things.  :) But the slotfin completely changed the RS1 for me.  Where before I never felt that I could get the right body position and tip pressure on my toe side/offside with the stock fin, now I can feel the ski in the water as I release it and let it arc back towards the ball in the preturn. Plus, the RS1 was almost too aggressive on my onside before and it's really tamed that.
  4. Being that it's the end of the year I decided to play around with some different stuff.  I put a schnitz slot fin on my 67 RS1. I definitely feel the increased tip pressure on my off side.  And one thing I noticed was that I can pull out later and match speed with the boat easier before turning in.  I'm way wide and early on both sides of the course and the ski drops in at the end of the turn vroom, it's off again.
  5. Now that's some news.  Marcus is someone that I just assumed would always ride on a D3.  I wonder what would have happened with Parrish if the A1 would have been out while he was on an HO. I sure would like to try one myself, but damnit my local ski dealer won't loan them out cause they only have one or two.
  6. Sorry to hear about this.  3 years ago I had a grade 2 tear in my hamstring and 6 weeks ago I had a grade 2 tear my left trapezius.  The hamstring was a full 3 month recovery. I skied for the first time this week after the trap injury and I can tell I'm still not ready. My girlfriend asks me why I continue to beat myself up, as I've been miserable for 6 weeks, in constant pain, on pain kilers, muscle relaxers etc. I can't tell her why. Other than "Skiing is awesome!" Better me out in the sun, enjoying the outdoors, staying in shape, etc........rather than on the softball field with all the other beer bellied drunks who consider themselves athletes around here! lol Hang in there, and don't let anyone convince you you're too old for this.  Rehab it, get back on the water, improve your self.

    This reminds me that it's time to take my Soma and Tramadol. ;)


    Good luck tomorrow in surgery!

  7. I finally was able to ski behind and drive an 07 nautique with P101 ZO on Saturday in practice and just play with the different settings prior to our tournament on Sunday with it.  In practice and in the tournament I felt very comfortable with it. When i was driving on Saturday I was seeing 34.6-34.7 through the gates, much like Leon. In the first round on Sunday though, we had the MC197 with both speed controls. So since I liked the pull on Saturday behind the nautique, I went with ZO behind the MC. There is no contest between the pulls on those two boats. I felt like I was pulling against a dump truck behind the MC.


  8. I found that the SS and the RS1 felt very similar. The SS seemed to have a bit snappier edge change. I'm 190 and ski at 34mph.  This year I skied on the 67 F1,  67.5 SS, the 67 RS1, and the 68 RS1. The 68 RS1 is the best ski I've been on, with the SS a close 2nd. I basically skied the exact same buoy count on all of them. But my consistency on the RS1 and SS is better. Especially when it's windy/choppy.  
  9. I was on a Goode 9600 and then a 9700 until earlier this year. At that point I started trying some different skis. My honest opinion is that, for me at least, there are better skis out there right now. Getting out the 9600 and going back to it for a few weeks re-affirmed this.  They do have good acceleration and cast out wide. But they're finicky and twitchy. And you can really feel the chatter of the water.  Getting on the Sixam SS and the RS1, I equalled my pb on the first one or two sets and actually feel as if I'm earlier than on the Goode's. Plus, the sensation of feeling every ripple in the water is gone. Just my .02. Some feel differently and feel that the 9100 and 9500 are the best skis ever made.

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