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Posts posted by D-Law

  1. I'm like a kid at Christmas! A Carbon V! A new Prophecy! Great new bindings! Just when I start thinking about changing brands after 20+ years on Connelly Skis they make me stay again with products like this. Thanks John!
  2. O'Brien is going down.Check out the Elite website, it still says spring 2010! Cord is getting out cause he sees the writing on the wall. I have not seen a O'Brien at a boat show since 2002, I have not seen a new one on my lake since I don't know when, my dealer stopped carrying them. Sad but true.
  3. Remind me again why anybody would buy a Goode? I know some of you will say performance but seriously is it any better than a Radar, D3, HO, Connelly, etc.? It just doesn't make sense to me to have to order online and put up with this kind of crap when I can go down to my local pro shop and get anything taken care of by the staff or the factory who have a vested interest in keeping their dealers and customers happy.
  4. Not sure if anyone has seen this yet but a pic from the Masters of the new 2012 Syndicate S2. Sounds like there are more changes than just the color./vanilla2/uploads/FileUpload/9/909.JPG
  5. Why can I not find a single website, blog, facebook page, etc and find detailed results from the Sac Gold Rush or LA Night Jump? I downloaded the Ball of Spray app and I like where you are going with it but we need more than just tweets. I already follow all those who are tweeting on twitter. You wonder why the sport is suffering from a lack of fans and exposure. At least with the Masters I could go to their website and get complete standings and results.
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