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Posts posted by 9400

  1. I fondly remember 1990, I met this girl, beautiful beyond words, a body that wouldn't stop, very attractive smile, fun like you know what I mean, but crazy as a loon (and not in a good way!) that relationship lasted about a month because I didn't want to take her to meet my parents around the holidays.
  2. I have been on Fogmans for 9 years. I think the release they currently use is the same as mine. I have tested this more times than I care to admit. I think the release when you come in hot and late and load the tip trying to turn is a little sketchy. But other than that, I think it's a good system. I've seen some issues where the rail system on the HO seems to not hold up well (but this was the early models, don't know if it's changed or not). I've gotten my money's worth out of Fogmans.
  3. move slooower, try not to try, turn the intensity dial down, don't be in a hurry, try not to get to 1, don't spike the load, be lighter, don't lean so much, go 5 on a 10 scale, sneak up on the gate, hide from the boat.........sorry I thought it was a contest.
  4. "@Wish.....and don't leverage until that buoy your looking at cross course disappears behind the bow of the boat. This prevents you from loading too soon."


    That's what I needed to see/hear. George can you remind me of that once a week for the next 3 months? thanks

  5. I have used Fogman for 10 years. The release that concerns me most is the stuffing the tip in a high speed turn when running late. The flexing of the nose tends to bind the release some. I have strained my achilles a few times but nothing to stop me from skiing any. I've never had a fall where I felt like it should release and didn't. I have seriously tested the release capabilities of this system....unfortunately.
  6. 2011 was a mixed bag for me. At times skied better than I have in years (technique wise) but not score wise. Sometimes felt like I was making significant improvement other times felt like I had never done this stuff before.
  7. 2011 was a mixed bag for me. At times skied better than I have in years (technique wise) but not score wise. Sometimes felt like I was making significant improvement other times felt like I had never done this stuff before.
  8. I think the 1/4 buoy gets scored wrong more than any other score. Most of the 1/4 that were scored for me were me letting go at the instant I didn't think I was going to clear the buoy. When I let go very, very very close to a buoy, I have broken neither of the 2 lines required in the rule book....but things happen fast. I don't usually review my scores that much so to realize later I got scored a 1/4 is always a surprise to me.
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