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Everything posted by DanE

  1. So, what makes the EXO Form´s "less aggressive" than the Pro´s ? From the pictures they look identical except from the color.
  2. Anyone seen this? http://www.buyski.eu/default.asp/id,707/index.html  How many versions of their boot system is HO putting out?Just bored with winter and wondering of some of You got some inside info.
  3. Why mandatory to go outside turn buoys? Just leave them there for reference and we can go inside, makes the course both safe and easy (even I would getting deep 41 )
  4. They are great as they are,just like Roberto said "part of the intrigue". If we move or remove them, how would that make us feel about all those years trying to improve entering them (a vast majority of us still trying).Anyway, at longline the entrance gates isn´t really a pass breaker so they should not hold developing skiers progress back at all.Kind of surprising how well thought out course dimensions are considering how long ago they were set.I don´t know how far back that was but I bet they didn´t picture the world elite skiers running 41@36 when they did.
  5. I´ve felt the same way about fin adjustments in recent years, thought it was just me and my weird skiing style. Escpecially fin length, I don´t feel that making the fin longer puts more ski tip in the water on neither side of the course. To achive that, I rather add depth and move fin back, maybe even make the fin a little shorter too.
  6. Totally agree with Laz, great idea.But will the current record holder (holders?) accept to have their records erased?At least they are still at the top of their game so they will likely be there to set the new records as well (maybe now´s the time to make such a rule change).
  7. Anyone had a leaking Fuel Control Cell? Our club boat (99 SN PCM GT-40) is leaking fuel where the electric cabel for the internal fuel pump enters the FCC.Has anyone had this problem? if so, did You find any gasket kit or grommet or whatever to fix it? I haven´t disassembled anything yet, just put the boat to winter storage but I´m looking for a remedy so It´ll be ready by spring.
  8. Try moving the binding only, if You´re not happy with Your current ski setup regarding offside turns it may just be because fin setup is not optimized with Your current boot location (how many of us can say we´ve achieved that?).After You try that You should be able to tell if the move was beneficial and start fin tweaking from there.
  9. John, are You still on the S1 ? Curious of Your thougths regarding its performance and, especially wich setups has worked the best. Demoed one myself, finally decided to quit skiing 36 (just turned 42) so I figured I should try a 34 mph ski. For me it worked just as advertised allthough I managed to catch a bad cold the week I was actually having access to the ski. Only ran some 28 and 32s and a 35 that I thought I was never going to run being dizzy from the cold. Very nice ski,especially keeping the momentum in the preturn and turn without stalling,something that I always find my skis to do at 34 when they are setup for 36.
  10. Imho of the skis mentioned above I would pick the Sixam SS.If I remember it right older skis have a little bit rounder edges and are more prone to slide around the completion of the turns a bit. The SS is of course a modern ski but it still works if one try to force it around the turns without doing anything funny, now I´m not saying it likes to be manhandled but one can still get away with it. MPD on the other hand is a sharp bevel,skiing on a rail kind of ski that will not tolerate any pushing through the turns or overly agressive pulls, on the contrary one needs to be patient in the turns and pull more like the west coast style to make it work. All that said I think it would be an easier transition going from an older ski to the SS rather than the MPD as I´ve skied them both.
  11. Roberto, Try the fin deeper, I also ski on a SS 67 .The factory setting from when the ski came out back in -07 seems to work really well. I tried a lot of different settings during this season but always ended up with 6.830 (tips)  2.520   .800 (head). 2.480 sounds way too shallow for this ski /vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-surprised.gif (just my opinion)
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