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Posts posted by Garn

  1. I disagree @vernonreeve. The Omni's are such a better ski, so easier to ski on, so much less drag with the clean-edge technology. The Triumph just no longer compares. It was a good ski in its day but he will advance so much quicker on an Omni than the old Triumph. Easier to ski on, easier on the body, more sets cause you don't tire so quickly, faster, more responsive.... just an all-around better ski. He will progress so much faster on an Omni.
  2. The Syndicate Omni has more carbon fiber than the Carbon Omni. The Syndicate also has a PVC core vs a more typical foam core in the Carbon Omni. That will be the biggest difference in the two skiis. With the PVC core the Syndicate will really snap out of the turns where the Carbon will be a little more damper (forgiving). The PVC core also makes the Syndicate Omni incredibly lite. In perfect conditions lite is good. But in less than perfect the extra pound or two of the Carbon Omni will be a benefit. From what you described I would say the Carbon Omni might be the better of the two for you.
  3. I LOVE my HO Syndicate vest. I have had Eagle in the past that I really liked. But it doesn't compare to my HO vest. I wouldn't go back. So easy to get on, can't feel it once its on, and it floats me as good as my Eagle vest that had extra flotation.
  4. I'm 58, weigh 185, 5'11". I don't ski every day like you do. A couple of times a week is a good week for me. But I work out pretty much every day. I get up early and go to the gym where it is mostly resistance training (weights). I also will swim laps a 2 or 3 times a week on lunch or after work. The only time I skip my morning workout is if I'm going to ski that morning or around lunch time. But if I'm going in the afternoon I will still work out. I've been doing this for 20+ years so I see no reason to stop. But the only time I get fatigued is if I don't get enough sleep. I don't think people take getting enough sleep as serious as they do other things like working out. To me it is just as important. And the older I get the more important it gets. Just my two cents worth.
  5. I've been using them for 10+ years and have never had a problem. I never understood why someone would want to take the dowels out. But on my new Radar gloves the dowels just fell out. I can't tell any difference with them out as when I had them in. And one positive thing I noticed with them out is every now and then when I had the dowels in I would miss the handle because the dowel would hit the handle as my hand was coming back to the handle. It didn't happen to often but it did happen. That never happens now.
  6. The other night I went out to our clubs course at Utah Lake with my wife and daughter. Its been a few years since my wife has driven me in a course. First pass, I get up and right when I pulled out for the gates I suddenly felt an increase in boat speed and just got whipped way out there. Missed the gates. Headed to ball one and suddenly I had a ton of slack. I'm guessing the wife suddenly pulled back on the throttle. Why she is even messing with the throttle is beyond me since my Stargazer works great. By now the whole pass is blown. We get down to the end and Sherry says she didn't drive very well and she will do better this time. I could have got mad but instead I just smiled and said "That's ok". Next pass, pull out for the gate and get to one ball but then things got really weird. Headed to 2 ball and suddenly I was like 10 feet outside of it! But I couldn't even reach 3 ball. It was like the rope was 10 feet short! Get to the end of the pass and wife apologizes and said the sun got in her eyes and got her way off course and then she over compensated and actually went on the wrong side of the next boat guides! Now the old me would have gotten mad, thrown my ski in the boat, and yell that I can't ski like that and how hard is it to just drive the boat straight between the boat guides!!! The results would have been Sherry would have got all upset, either get mad or start crying, and yell "I"m never driving you again!!" But the new, smarter me just said "That's ok." Realizing that I'm not going to get a good pull I decide to make a game out of it and see how many buoys I could get each pass with the boat going all over the place. It was actually kind of fun even though I about got yanked out of my bindings a few times! The end result was I had fun, Sherry had fun, the rest of the evening was fun, it was a beautiful evening on the lake, and we stopped at the taco truck afterwards for tacos! The moral of the story is if your wife is your driver, just smile and say "That's ok." 4sj6n6z6tjny.jpg
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