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east tx skier

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Everything posted by east tx skier

  1. Some user error caused me to have to hightail it back to the ramp on Sunday before I got a chance to ski behind the new update. So no long-line, low speed, done by the three ball SG update review from me I'm afraid. Look at it this way. If he drills for the paddle wheel and eventually updates to SG, he can use still it for lake water temperature.
  2. I'll throw in a vote for a TSC1, 2, or 3 196/Ski Nautique. I'm a fan of the early 90s MC's as well, but I love my new to me SN.
  3. I'd wait until right before your season starts again. The update doesn't take long to do, so IMO, best to wait until you know that what you will have to start with is the latest. I was supposed to get out and give it a turn this afternoon, but had a little boat trouble and had to pack it in early.
  4. Rick McCormick is set up for a heli and you can actually see the beginning of it before they cut away to a straight ride over.
  5.  Hey, Andre. You guys thawed out yet? This is the first time I've paid for a SG update. They tweaked the software about a month after I bought it (the tweak that added the gate and 1/3 ball adjustments and N/L settings. That was a free Master Module swap with reimbursed shipping. After that, I had some system save issues and swapped probably five master modules with them in the process and spent a great deal of time on the phone with them trouble shooting. In the end, they changed the way the system saved information, i.e. baselines, from doing it at shutdown when it sensed a voltage drop to auto saving every five seconds. It is my understanding that that became a production line wide improvement. I was sent modules next day air each time and was reimbursed for all of my shipping (around $18 each time) for every module I sent back. For as big of a pain as it was to have an issue, I was really glad to have that kind of customer service backing me up. They released the first pure GPS version about a month after that. I called to ask about it and Gary told me that they still preferred the speed overlay system for the time being (I got the feeling they were going toward pure gps more out of competitive necessity. More likely, they didn't want to ship me any more modules that year. This update will be worth it for me if only to get rid of gassing the skier in the turn around. Never bothered me. I drop and rest.  As for 38 off, I blew through that the minute I got that hole in my sock fixed. These days, I'm trying it on a ski though.
  6. We're good. All of the lakes we frequent are over 100% full. Central Texas is another story. Travis is around 62% full. Champion is only at 74%. We've had a lack of rain to an extent, but we got a lot last week. I guess we weren't all that bad. Thanks for the welcome!
  7. I have the update installed as of a couple of days ago. $75 plus $30 to ship this thing that's smaller than an SD card. I need to remember that they default 2 day air to the States and that I should remind them to save me money on shipping.  Anyhow, from memory, there is very little different, if anything, with the pull. For wired throttle boats, there was an adjustment to the servo "roll back" so that it will lock in on speed better.  Issue with surging in turns is supposedly fixed.  You can set things up in open water without a course.  For early adopters who got their free upgrade quickly (approximately pre-April 2008), this system is pure gps with no use made of the paddle wheel whatsoever. I think there are a few other adjustments, but that's all I can remember. Great site by the way. My first post.
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