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Everything posted by PJ

  1. MS, you wanna bust out my old Siege and give it a try? You'll love the white Nomad after that.
  2. I signed a waiver electronically when i renewed my membership online this year. Does that blanket cover me for all events? Or do i still need a specific site waiver for each sanctioned event?
  3. with a paragraph on the back explaining what each one was?
  4. Can you order one from the Overton's catalog? oh wait, that would be Gladiator
  5. these provide plenty of grip and no trouble releasing when needed. Â http://amzn.com/B003L9IPHM
  6. I rode a Siege for 3 seasons. (i didn't know any better at the time) i could finally muster a 36mph pass at 15 off with it. it is based on the old Mapple with a softer flex. The targa bindings are OK. they are slightly adjustable. you will probably want something a little more fitting after you get used to the boots. it won't take you too long to get used to double boots. take your combo out and practice getting up with both feet in if you aren't getting up that way already. you will enjoy much faster progress on some of the other skis mentioned above. anything is going to have more width (surface area) than the siege. you will definitely want that to hone your technique at the slower speeds.
  7. Too bad you still can't get a 120% mortgage with zero down. Say goodbye to polished chrome dubbs and wakeboard boats. Â I can get a brand new Bayliner for under 20k. I'm sure the build tolerances are just as good as a MC on those.
  8. I don't think you could even fit a pair of jumpers in a 150. Maybe if you stuffed them into the tail.
  9. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs322.ash1/28282_938009424531_10003401_53349625_6573145_n.jpg
  10. I think it would be a perfect boat for The_Krista
  11. I think that is only if you want to be able to use the liability insurance provided by USA Water Ski membership. The new wording does seem a little bit confusing though. How do they define "club practice"?
  12. http://maps.google.com/maps?t=h&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=41.914358,-93.57385&spn=0.006347,0.011222&z=17
  13. There is a lake in this picture somewhere. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs118.snc4/36238_474553249297_772769297_5482399_2614075_n.jpg
  14. MS - you were on the PJ diet for half the summer. That can't be good for maintaining weight ;)
  15. PJ

    My turn

    why does this have to be so complicated? it's almost like a real sport. http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-smile.gif
  16. PJ

    My turn

    dear leanlock, err i mean 6balls. maybe somebody else can jump in here. but i think that is bass ackwards. the trailing arm is the one that is trailing, not leading. Â somebody straighten me out if i'm wrong.Â
  17. if there were no other changes, all of last year's approved configurations would still be approved this year without testing
  18. usually when it gets cold i'm trying to figure out how to get my tip up
  19. +1 for ProSkiCoach. You can even download all your sets to a CSV spreadsheet and really dissect the data.
  20. I can't believe MS didn't jump in here yet. Radar Rocks
  21. just wait until the weekend is over. i'm going to put the krista in her place.
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