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Posts posted by jdarwin

  1. We have several handles, ropes and gloves left in stock that we need to move - if you are looking for something for next season or for Christmas, shoot me an e-mail and let me know what you are looking for - special closeout to Ballers......




  2. Drove / skied the boat last night. Very impressed. Tracks SO much better than earlier versions of this model. Put 50lbs in the nose and it was perfect. What I liked most is I always knew where the skier was - never lost connection. That's important. The boat skis awesome. It seemed to wait on me at the buoy and allow me to hook up nicely before shooting me across. Can't wait to get some tourney scores behind it!
  3. In September, I moved from a Mid Ride to the 6.1 - 66". I'm 195-200 and it does not feel small. Very similar to my Mid Ride but turns off-side better and is quicker across course. Like my Mid, it is very stable and allows me to make some mistakes without punishing me. The biggest difference is when I do make a mistake, the 6.1 gets me back in the pass quicker.
  4. Thanks to all the skiers and officials @klindy and @skidawg for sure. Regina tying the world record 3@41 was very cool to witness. But, there were so many other great scores - too many to count. Events are truly a reflection of the people who are there - that's why Cottonwood tournaments are so fun!
  5. Skied the 6.1 for the first time last night. I'm 6'2" / 200 lbs on a 66". Felt right at home coming off a Mid Ride. Feels like my Mid Ride on steroids. Stock settings. Ski turns very well on both sides and generates and maintains terrific angle without much input. I quickly learned not to over ski it - just let it do its thing. The most telling event was a bad 4 ball turn at 35 and I simply layed the ski over and was early to 5. Impressive! I think Andy has a winner with this ski. I'm pretty back foot (many on here can attest to that!) and I had no issues with the ski's performance.
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