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Everything posted by jdarwin

  1. @Horton - you still have that t-shirt? I wish you would throw it in the trash!!
  2. We can get Austin to fire up the webcast from the tournament at Aquaplex that weekend.
  3. The answer to your question is "yes" but not for the reasons you think. I use it to time trick runs.
  4. Two scores from two different sites. If you have off-set towers for judging, video in the boat is not required. Only for R.
  5. I rode the same ski/binding set up for 1/2 the summer last year. Binding at 30.5". Fin 6.910 / 2.504 / .745 flat / 7 deg wing.
  6. Shoot me an e-mail. jdarwin@lakesatcottonwood.com
  7. No worries, Ed. Just let me know next time you need anything.
  8. Ed we have a match price guarantee and would have shipped for free.
  9. http://www.lakesatcottonwood.com/cottonwood_shop.htm Masterline version - $89.95 and free shipping thru the end of the year.
  10. 1. An early Spring 2. See above (I can manage the rest).
  11. I've been using the system for 6 years. My daughter has used it on trick/slalom for the past 13 years. Several of my club members and countless other skiers I know have used this design and I can honestly say I have never seen anyone injured due to stricking the release. I know it happens but the occurences are so infrequent that it doesn't merit consideration.
  12. Hopefully, the input from (AWSA) membership will be productive in setting (changing) the direction and priorities of the organization. The main issue for AWSA members is the lack of perceived "value" from the parent organization. This should resonate within the results.
  13. I was in Orlando yesterday and picked up a couple of Masterline's version we had orders for. The primary difference is the liners. Much better.
  14. I have the eCom cable - have never paid for an upgrade.
  15. I would love to come if I wasn't going to Baton Rouge to watch LSU vs The Gumps.
  16. I inquired w/ some of the collegiate skiers who attended the board meetings last January as to the best way to retain skiers once they graduate. Answer: Those who attained an official's rating while in college (judge/scorer) were much more apt to stay involved in the sport and compete. Therefore, finding an easy way for these skiers to fast track to a rating should be a major objective of USAWS/AWSA/NCWSA.
  17. @jodyseal - when will "R" be available for download?
  18. That explains the high page count John always refers to!!
  19. b) if NCWSA was limited to USA skiers (I know... a very touchy subject) Take a look at D1 tennis and soccer programs. Often the international student is getting some financial assistance but often, is paying MORE out-of-pocket than the in-state student.
  20. @6balls - I was a pretty good kicker in high school but the fact that I couldn't hit a 40+ yard field goal consistently prohibited me from playing for LSU. I could have played D1 ball at a lower level program but I chose not to. College sports is 100% about resources and the talent level those resources attract. Some have it in football. Some have it in basketball. Some have it in water polo. I skied at LSU - I probably couldn't have made the NLU team either. But that didn't stop me from pursuing my passion.
  21. @webbdawg99 - why so blue? We should be celebrating excellence not qualifying it. What is the financial motivation for Oklahoma State to have a championship golf team? Duke a women's soccer team? Stanford a men's polo team? It's not ALWAYS about an ROI. It creates a unique experience for the student athlete. ULM (NLU) has been known for their water ski team since the early 80's. The university uses the water ski team to promote the college and its unique culture. @BraceMaker - ULM funds the water ski team thru a student fee that was voted on and implemented back in the 80's. Unlike other non-revenue sports that must depend of the revenue generating sports (football / basketball) for their existence.
  22. My daughter had her best year on the X7 last year. Moved to the Fusion this year and will go back to X7 next year. If you are technical and smooth, the X7 works and is more forgiving. It works for Nate because he skis "light". If you're 210 lbs on a 67" ski at 34mph it will feel slow. But, if you're 150 on a 67" ski at 36mph, the fact that it sits deeper in the turns is a benefit. I'll have a 67" X7 for skidawg to ride in the spring along with the revised Fusion (or whatever they will call it) for comparison.
  23. @ntx - I have not had the issues w/ the webcast. A few hiccups but overall, Tony is doing a great job. Not to mention IT'S FREE to anyone with an internet connection. Hard to complain about that but congratulations, you found a way!
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