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Everything posted by jdarwin

  1. @scoke - certainly, there is room for improvement in any format but this is better than the Big Dawg (yawn) that has turned into nothing more than a Senior PGA event (former pros).
  2. I'm sandbagging my average for a shot next year......at least, that's what I keep telling myself....
  3. The point of this poll was to determine how many "tournament" skiers ACTUALLY prefer a current year boat opposed to any other configuration: 6%. Wow. I realize the sample is small and unscientific from a polling perspective but I believe the results do highlight a deficiency in AWSA's towboat requirements. In the face of diminishing availability of promo boats AND the membership's willingness to "accept" older towboats at tournaments, it makes sense for the AWSA Rules Committee / Towboat Committee to address this topic. Question is: Will they?
  4. We comp entries and house/feed the promo owner. They make a huge investment in their boat with little to no ROI. It's the least we can do.
  5. I've been addicted to mid-rides ever since the 9900. I don't see a mid ride version on the web site. Has it been discontinued? That would be bad.
  6. @Kelvin - I wasn't saying PP is widely used. My point was that it "could" be used to pull an L/R event. In fact, a world record could be set behind a 1997 SN using Perfect Pass anywhere in the world....except the US. My point in stating this is to show the higher (expensive) standards we are held to in the US simply because of sponsorship dollars funneled to USAWS.
  7. @RazorRoss3 - I agree 100%. But, when you speak of rankings list, consider that ANY IWWF event can be pulled using Perfect Pass. So, is it fair for skiers in the US to compete for placement on a world rankings list with skiers using Perfect Pass?
  8. @klindy - 20%? I thought it used to be higher but I could be mistaken. As long as the number of tournaments continues to decline at the same rate as available promo boats, there won't be an issue. Sad. @Jody_Seal - thanks for the clarification.
  9. @RazorRoss3 - there are current National records on the books that were pulled by Perfect Pass. Should they now be disallowed? Should an asterisk be placed beside the score indicating it was set behind PP?
  10. Another point on this. An old promo friend of mine stated that in the old days, a manufacturer had to pull 60% (approx.) of the events in a region in order to pull Regionals. There is NO WAY that requirement is being met today in the SCR. Have the rules changed or has the governing body not pressed the issue?
  11. @dave2ball - it's the "chicken or the egg" scenario. I don't WANT to get exceptions. I have no choice. There are NO PROMO BOATS available. Simple. I made numerous phone calls to no avail. If I want to host an event and no promo boats are available, I must request an exception. Simple. Also, the fall is particularly hard to get boats because the few promo members that remain try to sell their boats after Nationals. Therefore, the inventory is even fewer. So, it's not a matter of WANTING to receive an exception, it's a matter of NEEDING to request an exception. Big difference. If the requesting/granting of exceptions has a negative affect on the promo programs, that's a natural result of the lack of success on the part of manufacturers to provide their product to the marketplace.
  12. Tournaments in SCR in 2007 - 89. 2016 - 65. That's $5400 less in sanction fee income. Plus $1500 less in head tax revenue for the region. Total impact of almost $7000 and that's just one region! Curious how many no longer host tournaments due to lack of boats to pull them.
  13. @gsm_peter - around 1998. That was my first PP promo boat. I tested for Regular Driver in 1999 hand driving even though PP was in use at the time.
  14. @Razorskier1 - then, option 1 would be your best choice to make certain you have the most "recent' hull to choose from in a tournament.
  15. What boats should be allowed to pull ALL classes of AWSA tournaments?
  16. Similar to our 2013 tournament t shirts
  17. @gsm_peter - 2008 to today, the boats are similar. Zero off speed control and 330-350hp engines. Most wouldn't know the difference. I train behind a 2007 196 w/ ZO and don't notice much difference when I get to tournaments. As for the rest of the world, the current rule doesn't exist. I could use my 2007 to pull a record event without exception anywhere else in the world.
  18. "how much of that is really on the boat companies, or just AWSA? " Both. When AWSA submitted a rules proposal a few years ago to add a 3rd year to approved boats (Class C and under), the Big 3 were at HQ immediately complaining. They do not want the rule to be expanded or eliminated. As for Tommy's support of 3-event skiing, I applaud their efforts. Unfortunately, they are the minority. I made the comment at an AWSA board meeting 10 years ago that the day was coming when sites would have to supply their own boats to host tournaments. For some, that day has come.
  19. @unksskis "The boat companies don't owe anyone a promo program" Not true. By stacking the deck (via the rulebook) that current year boats are REQUIRED, they do have some culpability in providing a vibrant promo program. If, as you say they don't owe us a promo program, then eliminate the current year rule in the AWSA rulebook - problem solved.
  20. @markchilcutt - I disagree that the sport is "dying" but one of the factors in its decline has been the governing body's (USAWS) inability to change in the face of economic realities. Tournament skiing is shrinking. It certainly will die a slow death if we don't adapt to our currrnet environment.
  21. My 1996 SN promo was $19000 including trailer. Average price of new car in 1996: $16300. 2016 - $33580. about 2x. Using that logic, a promo SN should be about $40,000. Promo price is closer to $70k.
  22. @Jody_Seal - I DO fill out the request form when I sanction my tournaments each January. Problem is, there are NO PROMO BOATS to be had. There is one Nautique 4 hours away. One Malibu 4 hours away and no MC's. The boat manufacturers have made it so cost prohibitive to be in the program, everyone is dropping out. Fortunately, we "may" have a 2016 Malibu for our 6 rounds of record in Sept. Coupled with a 14 Centurion (exception granted) and my 2007 SN 196 (exception granted). Problem is, the promo guys don't get much for bringing their boats. I put them up, feed them and provide free entry. I do more for the promo person than the damn boat company does!! I guess next year I'll just pull all my records with my 2007 196 and wait for the firestorm to hit when we submit a national record for approval!! Edit: @Jody_Seal - If it's so easy to get an exception, then why does the rule exist at all?
  23. @Ilivetoski - I understand your point but you must realize when those sales occur - during the offseason (Sept-Mar) - it provides needed cash flow during the winter months. So, it may only be 5% of sales but they are important sales nonetheless. And, I don't believe the ski boat market would evaporate any more than it already has.
  24. @Chuck_Dickey - I hear that all the time from the current promo members. No factory support. But, let AWSA start down the road to eliminating the 2 year rule and the Big 3 will be in Orlando crying croc tears. You can't have it both ways, boys. Either eliminate the rule or support your promo programs. You are killing the tournament scene with this antiquated rule.
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