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Lieutenant Dan

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Posts posted by Lieutenant Dan

  1. @Dano I am no electrician either although I am somewhat handy. My PPSG with ZBox in my ‘01 Malibu Sunsetter LXI has some of the issues that you point out, eg not keeping changed settings updated after turning off the engine. I have long suspected that this was due to a voltage issue based on many previous posts. 

    What exactly did you do to alleviate this issue?  If you routed battery power directly to PP what are the connection point?  What gauge wire did you use?  Any suggestions for the fuse and power switch?  Can you explain the exact changes that you made and any lessons learned?  I love my boat but I want to make it perform closer to my friend’s Excalibur 343 powered SN196 with ZO without dropping $18k plus labor to do so. 

    Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences  



  2. @SkipGundlach Being down with a sinus infection for the last couple of days I’ve spent some time looking around Facebook Marketplace for used Reponses or Nautique 196s. While doing that I have noticed quite a few Malibu VLXs of that vintage for sale. If that’s the boat you want  there are lots out there to choose from and certainly some have trailers. That being said, there is a 2021 Malibu trailer for sale up in Wisconsin or Minnesota that I saw as well. 

  3. Interesting comment by @unksskis regarding the cost / economy impacting watersports and skiing. I do a fair amount of skiing on Norris Lake in TN every summer. Last year we noted that there seemed to be a significant number of people waterskiing (especially slaloming) and that there seemed to be a steep drop off in the number of surfing barges. Perhaps the price of boat gas was the straw that broke the camel’s back on top of the cost of the boat, tow vehicle, etc. for the wakesurfing crowd. It was encouraging to see that more people were skiing and were out behind more reasonable boats. 

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  4. I saw Nate Smith’s father do gates like that  on every pass probably 18 years ago while skiing at a local tournament here in the Cincinnati area. He also back-sided every ball. You could hear him hit every one going down the course:  wop…wop…wop

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  5. The Denali “Adams” have some great advice regarding how they achieve swing and early edge change (includes standing up early and pointing the ski down the lake) in the “Connection and Swing” thread from fall of 2019. I brought it forward recently if you scroll down a bit you’ll find this thread 

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  6. @UWSkier +1 on slalom (or just waterskiing) resurgence. We spent 4th of July weekend at Norris Lake TN and saw way more waterskiers than surfers (maybe saw one wakeboarder other than me). We were amazed at how many other slalomers were out for the morning glass runs. With gas at $7.00 at the marinas maybe those with the surfing barges are having to cut back? Who knows, but it was refreshing not to have so many huge wakes to avoid when out for an Airchair or wakeboard run in the afternoon.
  7. I will be 64 in a couple of weeks. I thought earlier in the season that I might just stay at 32 mph. Once I got in better skiing shape I tried 34 and just found it to be too fun! Run 28 off consistently. Struggling at 32 off but having fun and as long as I don’t try to do anything too stupid I am not too concerned about getting injured.
  8. Found the post I was thinking about above in the "Connection and Swing" discussion. It was Adam Cord not Adam Caldwell. I will post it below. Lot's of great stuff in that discussion that relates to the Spraymakers Podcast referenced above.


    "Without it getting complicated - As SOON as I hit what feels like maximum angle and load in the pull (usually right at the start of the first white wash), I am doing everything I can to get the ski out of angle and off it's cutting edge. Mechanically I do that by pushing the ski more in front of me and trying to point it straight down the lake (not across it toward the shore). At the same time I am leaning away from the pylon with my upper body to keep myself in position to hold the centrifugal force. What it feels like from the skier perspective is that I am standing up very straight and tall through the wakes. That forces the ski to roll flat and lets me stay in a hips to the handle position against the rope."

  9. I remember Adam Caldwell posting once that he purposely tries to point his ski down the lake after crossing the wakes. (I’m not sure that was his exact words but was the concept). I believe that the reason why was to fully take advantage of the “weight on the end of a pendulum” effect so as to get as high on the boat as quickly as possible. I think that is some of what they are talking about in this podcast.
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