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Posts posted by darinmontgomery

  1. I know we've gotten off topic MM/MW, however, I agree with Mr Jones about the Juniors skiing in their age division. We are at a unique time with so many Open rated junior skiers. We should be celebrating their accomplishments rather posting about how they are keeping others from the podium. For an athlete, this should provide the fuel to train harder so next year they can be on that podium. For parents, this is teaching opportunity for your kids. Nothing in life is given to them, they must work hard to achieve their goals and someone will always be working harder to take their place.
  2. We are creatures of habit that do not like change. No one can argue the price of boats are crazy high and doesn't encourage growth of the sport. However, the boats are well made with promo and used boats providing price options to fit all budgets.


    To echo @bishop8950 no one has to buy a new boat, the new ZO puck works with the current ZO systems with a software update and possibly a new harness. I've heard, unconfirmed from ZO, the upgrade is around $800.


    As @NateSmith43 stated, he ran 41 and 5@41 behind the 6.2 and 5.3 last weekend so while different, not terrible. Ok, it's Nate, he can run 41 behind any boat on any lake some will say. @BRY has skied at his average, 12 sets, behind the new engine/ZO and likes the pull better. My daughter, who is 14, ran 38 her first set behind our 5.3 and I've consistently skied mid 41 since getting the boat on a new ski to boot.


    So, the World Record Holder, heavy loading M4 and M3 skiers, down to G3 skier are all skiing just fine behind the new engines/ZO.


    My point is, yes, the pull is different and some will initially like it better and others will take time to adjust. I encourage everyone to get a set behind the 2016 200's to decide for yourselves.


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