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Posts posted by Bulldog

  1. The old "Sea Gliders" with baby blue bindings from the 60's are the combos of choice in my boat. Everyone loves them! These real wood skis ride like a dream, my only wish is that we should have put a mark on the bottom for everyone that learned to ski on them over the years, it would have been in the hundreds!
  2. thager, thanks for the apology I was not offended in anyway…. my post was more tongue and cheek as I liked how it when from one end of the spectrum to the other. I am a big fan of different ideas and think this electric boat is very cool. I do not think it will be practical but it is cool to dream of a boat with little noise and no fumes.
  3. You have to walk before you can run, and this is only the beginning..Look at the changes in the auto industry in the last 5 years. Most of the big changes have come from concepts that we only dreams years ago…this is only the start and just think if the wake boarders get a hold of one their stereo will drain the batteries even quicker meaning less big rollers……..
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