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Posts posted by davemac

  1. @WBLskier While they are a great combo set...I quickly got my daughter off the Jr Vortex slalom once she she got up on it... with the help of a trainer handle ( I think she was a very tall 8 year old and prob close to 80 lbs). To the best of my recollection, once that ski and its plastic fin exceeded 20 mph it seemed to go into a "speed wobble" . I got her on a dedicated slalom ski and it made a big difference.
  2. Than,

    My (13yo) daughter has them on her 65" Lyric. She is a W 8 1/2, and fits into the "smalls"....the "standards" were too big. No complaints on your three priorities (safety, comfort, ease of entry). Aside from a couple small differences, they will be similar to anything you hear about the Radar Vector boots.

  3. Gotcha...I get all that, and am all for it....that video solves a big part of the problem...getting a consistent and repeatable measurement. I just find the DFT measurement frustrating... and with the host of different tools, gizmos, and lack of standardization of measurement methods ...one person's numbers don't equal/translate to another person's numbers...that is the inconsistency variable I was trying to refer to. Heck, has it even been determined how consistent the rear bevel is from one ski to another (of same model)...as that would also factor in the measurement?

    As a side note, I had a machinist friend cut a notch out of the "ruler" of my calipers. It surprised me how different the #'s register when using the slot vs not...with the same caliper....presumably due to the concave issue.



  4. Interesting video....throws yet another variable as to the lack of consistency with the methods and reported DFT measurements. I've also wondered how much difference there is with the thickness of the jaws of different brands of calipers. When measuring the DFT, this would have significant effect over where the jaw contacts the bevelled rear edge of the ski.
  5. Sethro...Since you are using individual plates, I'd put the nylon washers between the plate and the ski (that is where mine are). Agree...those large, flat round heads of the screws act as a washer.


    The "T" washers referenced above are for use w/ the single, Sequence plate. The don't fit in the holes of the individual plates (at least not in mine).

  6. Maybe dress it up a bit by including Rod's skier logo....


  7. @marco- yes, they can be used for either foot. One thing to consider.. I do not know whether it is advisable to mix feather frame w/ aluminum plate. Radar advertises the feather frame as "1/3 lower, 1/3 lighter". I'm thinking the "1/3 lower" refers to the footbed, meaning that the other Lyric (on an aluminum plate) would be on a different plane. Not sure how significant that would be.
  8. My daughter has them. They are NOT foot specific. Depending on which plate you go with, you might want to make sure it will fit the ski. Looks like there are a couple Ski it again. I may be wrong, but I believe in the Small size feather frame, you might encounter some limitations as to what skis they will fit.

    If it is of any help, my daughter is a womens 8 1/2, and is in the smalls (Standard size had just a bit too much slop for her foot).

  9. one strange thing I found is that rest and/or "doing nothing" does not make it go away. I had it bad from golfing a few years back. Season ends in Oct up here. By March it was still as bad as ever. Eventually ended up in PT to get rid of it.
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