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Posts posted by clemsondave

  1. Forget about the course. Have them go to one side, get in a good position and pull waaay wide. Have them hold that wide position the entire length of the course. The better position (leverage) they are in, the wider on the boat they will get. Drop and do the other side on the way back. They will be able to lean against the handle just like practicing in the boat against the motor box.
  2. Not an engineer, but I think it would be easier and more accurate to drive by laser. Have a beam at each end of the lake. Not sure GPS is going to be accurate enough. I'd be surprised if it ever happens - the cost of failure is too high.


    Side note: I can hear all the complaints coming in already! At least it would take some of the heat off ZO :-)

  3. What are the downsides to carp? I hear they can muck up the water. I like our clear water, but need to get rid of the grass/algae. Considered dye, but we have quite a bit of inflow/outflow. Afraid it would all wash away. Copper Sulfate didn't touch it this year, but we may have applied too late.
  4. After going all the way around the world with settings (very unlike me), I found one that works. I was trying to run with no depth like a few other well known skier were doing (all the way down to 2.400 depth). For some reason, I always ended up with tip rise. It turns out, I was trying to stop it from over turning. There were times where I swear I was 90* and it was still accelerating, I just could not hold it across.


    So, I thought I would try to take all the turn out of it. Went to 2.515 depth and 0.58 DFT. Well, now it is perfect! I have a feeling, like ya'll said, that the 63.75 is borderline too small. However, while I need to be patient and the longer lines (32), it works awesome at 38! We held a Wed afternoon/night tournament last night. One pass I came into 4 in perfect shape, just climbed on the front too much.


    So, yea it may be too small, but if it works great at the short line, who cares?!

  5. Lol, HUGE discussion about that on an earlier thread. Yes, it uses more anywhere from 10-20% more. However, my boat pulled an entire round of slalom (52 skiers) at the Va State Champ on apx 27 gallons. That plus the gratitude I received from everyone loving the wake and pull was enough for me.


    If you pull a lot of 36mph skiers you will see more of a difference.

  6. confirmed - Adding 3 new colors: Victory Red makes a come back, Masters Blue, Sublime Green (think Monster Energy can)


    confirmed - Catanium motor will be mandatory for any boat produced after Dec 31, 2010.


    rumor - Did something with the hinges for the saddle bags, but I never had a problem (faux teak sits higher than the stock gray stuff)


    rumor - speaking of the faux teak, the stock gray now has the same texture as the faux teak, which is awesome.


    I can't think of anything on my boat that I do not like. Having ZO fully integrated into the LINC system would be cool though.

  7. Tournament participation is down in many places. Nationals attendance has been going down for a long time (well before ZO). I'm not going to get into the argument as to why, but it is down.


    HOWEVER!!! What this has done is forced some of us to re-think how we run tournaments. I have only been this sport for about 9 years and have only been hosting tournaments for the past 3 years. However, I recognized that something was missing in tournaments..... FUN!!! I went to tournaments for 6 years and was bored to tears. Ski, sit/drive/judge for 4 hours, ski, sit/drive/judge for 4 hours, ski.


    SO.... I decided to bring some FUN into tournaments! Following the Big Dawg lead, we created the Little Dawg series. Bang! Attendance went up. This year, we added a couple Wed afternoon tournaments with night skiing. FUN!!!! We also have great food (cooked by my wife) or cookouts, offer free bottled water to everyone, sell cheap t-shirts, invite more officials (like 3 scorers), etc. Bang, we have waiting lists!!!


    Some of the other lakes are trying, but IMO still are missing a few things. Their attendance is down. One even canceled a tournament.


    It HAS to start with the LOC member's mentality. You have to do something to attract skiers. The old models are not working. I went to one tournament where they were going to pull practice till 7pm. Someone showed up on the dock at 7:05 and they were initially told it was too late. Eventually, they were allowed to ski, but what message does that send? No fun! Attitudes need to change.


    The tournaments that I hear are doing well are doing things like turn&burn, head2head, 6 rounds, or just doing a great job of marketing nationwide (like JD). I wanted to go to Cottonwood, thought about it for a day, lost out b/c it was full. That's cool!



  8. Rode it again today. I can feel the potential and think I'm close. However the tip is rising on both sides. This is a new problem for me as I tend to ride the front of the ski quite a bit. Any suggestions? Move boots forward? Fin back?
  9. I assume at 6'5", CP is close to 200#. Imagine what he could do if ZO was not 'faulty'! I too, sympathize for those that have no access to ZO, but cringe when I hear words like 'faulty', 'sucks', 'flawed', etc. The '1' settings seem pretty smooth to me (I prefer 2s and 3s). The only way I can see it being smoother is if you let the speed really dip when you pull, which is against the rules.
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