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Posts posted by lakeaustinskier

  1. You might also keep your eye on other websites such as Planetnautique that are more recreationally focused. That's where I found my 2017 TT with a 6 liter and a tower. We jettisoned the tower and someone will have to pry that boat out of my cold dead fingers.
  2. We snowski in the Ogden area and several years ago I took a Goode Factory tour. Much to my surprise Dave himself gave the tour. If you never got the chance to met him he was a super nice guy who told us all about his business. Besides water skiing he was also super passionate about downhill snow ski racing. It turns out that Goode got their start making super strong ski poles for rental purposes (still do). Over the years they expanded into snow skis and water skis. FWIW I'm pretty sure that the waterski segment of Goode was a more of a passion of love versus where he really made his money.
  3. I know that this is a different cause of death, however, I knew a 15 year old neighbor that died of CO2 poisoning. She was attending a church camp and the boat driver (an adult) was using his personal boat at the camp. The boat owner was allowing these kids to ride on the rear platform at idle speed an/or drag their bodies along the water by holding onto the rear platform with their hands (both super stupid ideas). Long story short we have a dead girl and the guy and his church got hit with a multimillion lawsuit all due to sheer stupidity from the boat owner/driver. Lets be honest - in most states all it takes to operate a boat is to write a check to buy the boat then take a very remedial boater safety course. I'm not one for more government regulation but maybe this is the one area I might agree with beefing up the laws.
  4. Being 55 and having some back and body issues I've been trying to change my skiing. No more old school blaze into the the turn and crank it. My body simply can't take it.


    She's doing exactly what I've trying to work on - set the load, then hold it (NO additional load - just ride the line).


    Then going into the turn stand tall - which means she is balanced over the ski which results in the ski keeping speed.



  5. I just don't understand the anti-tube conversation - except to just give Horton a hard time (maybe). When my kids were young I took them several seasons to the JD weeks at Bennetts. At the end of every single day the lakes were full of kids being dragged on tubes as a reward for 3EV skiing. Are people saying that Bennetts is a soft place that does not encourage 3EV?


    And that factory tower will open up the resale market to a lot more people. If you order a boat with a factory tower the factory will automatically add some more support and strength into the area where the tower bolts into the hull.


    Good for Horton for buying a tube and making his daughter a happy girl!

  6. So an update on this boat. I've been busy and haven't had time to post it for sale or even detail the darn thing.


    I posted the boat yesterday on SIA and was meaning to repost the ad today on BOS.


    Today I have a VENMO deposit in hand and the new owner is driving down from Missouri to pick up this weekend.


    $49,900 with no negotiation.


    The crazy part is I have literally received 25 legit replies to the ad.


    The used market IS crazy.


  7. Based on my experience pulling skiers with this boat in the course and the 2014 transmission - for 90% of skiers everyone that skied behind the boat was very happy. The 10% would be either be a ski lake with a very short set-up or a heavy 36 MPH skier.
  8. It has the bow lid, front seats, rear seats, stereo and cover. It is a nice fully optioned boat (ZO etc.) I can't recall the brand of trailer, however, it is a single axle trailer that has the LED lights. Yes, it is in Austin.


    Right now the boat is being detailed and I'll take some glamour shots and post it on SIA next week.


    FWIW when my CC 200 was in the shop I used this boat at Aquaplex several times. It skis and tracks well.






  9. Given the lack manufacturer support I agree with paying the $25. We are living in different times.


    Concerning the cost of tournaments.

    Maybe this is a different thread but I'm curious if free food is served at tournaments for officials. I understand why this might be done (to entice people to be officials), however, it also seems like an unnecessary cost. What do other clubs do?

  10. After many years of angst, I have finally decided that my job as a parent is to just support my kids in whatever they want to do. We live in an extremely competitive school district for both academics and athletics and I have seen the damage that can be inflicted by parents who push their kids towards a particular sport or interest.


    Ultimately the kid must want to do the activity and while as parents we can try to set up a structure for success – we cannot force our kids to love a sport and/or achieve. They must come to that conclusion and passion for something by themselves.


    As the father of 3 kids – currently 21, 18 and 16 - the pain of my kids not caring about tournament skiing was a problem for me for a long time. This was especially hard when my kids were younger, and I had to make the decision whether to attend a tournament by myself OR spend valuable time that weekend with my family.


    I own a lot at a private lake but live on a public lake (Lake Austin). All three of my kids can competently trick, slalom, and surf, however, they could not care a lick about competing. BUT this year my kids have put almost 300 hours on my surf boat. At the end of the day my kids love the water, are very competent and safe boat drivers, and most importantly are great people.


    For me - that is complete victory.



  11. It depends on your insurance coverage. Many of you might remember pictures from when a windstorm flipped our marina last summer. We lost 9 boats. Fast forward a year later and every single boat that was underwater has either been restored or very close. We all kicked in insurance and the new owners bought the boats under a salvage title (we all bought another boat). Yes, those boats will always have a salvage title but my 2015 6 litre CC tournament team that the insurance company paid me $60,000 for was purchased for $14,500 by a young kid who has completely restored it. My point is, sure you can restore a boat but be careful of the numbers (the insurance company took the hit so someone got a deal). PM me if you want more details about what the kid had to do to restore the boat.



  12. I use a massage therapist who does deep tissue massage. She is very cautious so I'm good with the risk. If not, get a large foam roller (the big hard black rollers) and lay along the length of the roller along your spine. Your bottom at the end and your head at the top. While laying on the roller spread your arms out wide in a "T" position. At the same time squeeze your shoulder blades together. Yes, sometime this really hurts but it helps me.
  13. As far as heat - does anyone prop open their engine cover after they run the engine to vent the heat and moisture? I'm just talking about using a small piece of wood to slightly crack the cover open. A boat mechanic told me one time to do this since it helps extend the longevity of the rubber and keep moisture out of electrical parts......my ski partner thinks I'm nuts. Opinion?
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